Gifts all 'round →G.J

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My 4inch red bottoms clicked softly against the corridor floors of the office, my soft curls bouncing against my shoulders with every step. I shone a smile to every person that walked past me as i shimmied through to the elevator. I pressed floor 28, 2 above my own to my husband, Griffin's, office.

Griffin and I both worked for the same law firm and in the same building, we never made frequent visits to each other's offices in fear of making it a habit but today was a special day and although we were working a case together, that wasn't the reason why i was going to surprise him.

The doors opened with a ding as i greeted Sarah, their floor secretary bumping into Toni on the way

"Hey girl, looking good as always" she said eying my pencil skirt and blouse combo.
"thanks, y'know gotta keep it classy in the streets" i smirked slightly
"and nasty in the sheets" she nudged "it's your anniversary today! woah what's it been?"
"6 years" i said beaming
"6 years and he still laying that d good right" she said with a laugh making me jokingly gasp
"I have a meeting in 25 and you're making me late" i said moving past her
"he was in a conference call last i heard" she said referring to Griffin
"guess i'll be extra quiet" i winked

I giggled to myself as I gently pushed Griffin's office door open. All our offices were somewhat the same but the breath taking view of the city in Griffin's office, made his a little more different. Griffin hadn't looked up at me, his nose was buried in a case file, his glasses sat on the brim of his nose and his bottom lip caught in his teeth in sheer concentration, his pen tapping the side of his head

"You're back quick, yeah i overlooked the case and there are just too many variables that arn't accounted for, like why would he break in without a weapon, why would he purposely leave his DNA there it's like he wanted us to catch him" he said all in one breathe "we can't charge him with first degree, it doesn't look planned"
"Agreed but did you factor in the fact that he knew the family, that he had a grudge with the father and had been in their house, maybe the DNA was just a mistake or him being cocky" i shrugged as Griffin finally lay his gaze on me

"I take it you're not here to discuss work" he smirked
"well, not exactly" i said biting the inside of my cheek "i came to drop off some lunch because you left in such a hurry and collect my anniversary kiss"

I walked over to his side, gently nudging some of his things forward to sit on his desk. I leant forward and slid his glasses off his nose before connecting our lips, even years after kissing this man his kisses still ran electricity through my body

"6 years and counting" he mumbled softly
"that's if i don't decide to get rid of you" i sightly joked as Griff put a hand to his chest
"don't get rid of me love" he said pulling me into his lap
"I won't, plus i don't think anyone else can deal with Levi" i smiled

Griffin chuckled lowly, his fingertips grazing your inner thighs in a soft motion making me sigh in content.

"We have a dinner reservation at your favourite restaurant" He said breaking the silence
"Griff, i thought we agreed no gifts" i whined
"i know, i know but you've been googling that place baby" he said
"urgh fine then, i got you a gift too" you said opening his top drawer, i pulled out a small box and handed it to him
"are you proposing to me? because that's a little too late babe" he laughed opening it

in the velvet lined box sat a small pacifier, Griffin's eyes widened slowly as he looked between me and the box as if the answer would just pop out. He settled finally on just hugging me

"thank you so much" he said
"i love you"
"i love you too"

i wrote half of this during English so forgive me



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