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1. I'm a lonely bean, so I haven't kissed anyone. So the answer is no.
2. My drink bottle and some markers I have.
3. Uhhh, it was very strange. I was a hamster, and my friend adopted me, only to feed me to his pet snake. Then I turned into a snake. Don't ask.
4. No, my entire country is in lockdown due to Covid-19.
5. What am I craving right now? Grapes.
6. Brussel sprouts. Because they are just fun sized cabbages.
7. The last text I sent was telling my friend to stop stealing memes that I sent him.
8. Who the hell bites ice cream?!
9.  Yeah, I like my hair. I love it's colour, which is strawberry blonde.
10. Sometimes. Depends on how I'm feeling that day.
11. I have not met a celebrity.
12. Ewww, no.
13. Sanity's Fall's Ritual.
14. 2.
15. Kinda. My mum is really fun to be around, and has a silly sense of humour, but she can be strict.
16. No. I don't like heights.
17. Anything sparkly? A candle.
18. My family friend. He always kicks my chair.
19. No. I don't really like Hot Topic.
20. Yes. Someone made fun of my friend, and it escalated to them shoving my friend, so I slapped them. I did get detention, but it was worth it.
21. Nah, not really. (I'm being sarcastic. I am really sarcastic.)
22. No, I'm not allowed. Then again, I'm 14. I do want some though.
23. It was taken at a get together with my friends. One of my friends was visiting from another country, and it was the first time we had seen her in a year. It's sad, but I no longer really speak to any of the others, other then her.
2r. Yes. My grandma locked us out of the house one day, while I was staying there. I had to crawl through the back window to let her in.
25.yeah, to McDonald's. And then to Target and Kmart. I've done so many prank phone calls.


Jeff the killer x werewolf reader ( discontinued and if you know me, you don't )Where stories live. Discover now