Resurrection Stone {2}

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*J.K. Rowling owns all of the characters.*

**~~~~~~~ Part Two ~~~~~~~**

THEY ARRIVED IN A CLEARING surrounded by tall trees and wild plants. The Forbidden Forest loomed around them, its terrors blocked by the area they stood in. Lily was surprised it even existed here. In the moonlight, James's hair was lined with silver. He went beside Sirius and Remus, scanning the surroundings.

Warily, a wizard about 17 approached them. He wore round glasses and a loose shirt, his dark hair curling in all directions. He stared at them, wide-eyed, those green eyes emitting disbelief and surprise.

"Harry..." Lily breathed. She took a step towards him, her hands shaking. "My son...I miss you so much."

Harry didn't seem to hear her, his eyes drifting elsewhere. James and Lily surveyed his face, seeing the changes there—a more defined jaw, some stubbles, and a profile that looked so much like James's.

Except for his eyes.

"You've been so brave." a voice like Lily's whispered in the air.

Lily's eyes widened. She'd heard the voice, all right, but it wasn't hers. When the others looked, she just shook her head.

"No. That wasn't me." her expression conveyed.

Harry stared at his mother, seeking comfort. Lily wanted to embrace him, but she knew her hand would pass right through, if she tried.

"My brave, wise man." James beamed at his son's face. "We love you so—"

"You are nearly there." a voice like James's interrupted. "Very close. We are..." it paused, tasting the words in its mouth, "so proud of you."

Okay. Something was definitely wrong.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asked, his rich, deep voice echoing through the silence. He sounded like a frightened child. Lily figured he was hearing the other voices, and not them. Her stomach churned.

"Harry, mate, we're going to save you from this!" Sirius promised, looking at his godson. "We won't let anything happen to you!"

But Harry remained silent.

"Dying? Not at all." this time, a voice like Sirius's replied. "Quicker and easier than falling asleep."

The real Sirius Black froze.

"It's the Stone," Remus said, his expression grave. "It's using our voices, to encourage Harry's death."

"Like it encouraged the Second Brother's death. Merlin." James breathed. "It was created by Death, so it's compelled to shed blood."

Harry was slowly slipping away. The voice whispered more words to him, and every time it spoke, Lily's hands clenched into fists. Her son seemed more encouraged to die. The Stone had done its job well.

But it had to stop.

Harry stared at Lily again. This time, tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. He seemed sad, but he managed a steady voice as he said, "Stay close to me."

Harry walked away from them, towards another clearing. The voice had ceased talking. Lily watched as her son widened the distance between them. He hadn't even heard them speak. The Resurrection Stone just used their ghostly appearances, and took care of the rest.

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