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DAYS GROW longer as Campbell Grace Winchester's patience grows much shorter. 

They've been back and forth across the country in a matter of weeks, and it reminds Campbell of why she wanted to settle down in the first place. Never staying somewhere too long, not really having a place to call home... it takes a mental and physical toll on a person. 

In the span of just a month, Campbell has witnessed Dean's fear of planes first-hand, discovered that the legend of Bloody Mary is - in fact - real, and ripped a hole her beloved navy converse high tops. The latter being the most devastating, of course. She's been pouting about it for the past couple of miles, and Dean has had enough. 

"Fine! Fine, the next mall exit we see I'll pull in," he grumbles and swats Campbell away. She falls into the backseat with an 'oof' and stares out the window. Led Zeppelin's "Fool in the Rain" hums softly in the background as they cruise down another backroad to God-knows-where. 

Suddenly, Campbell's phone is lighting up with Parker's photo and caller ID. 

"P! Hey, how's it-" 

"Campbell," Parker is in tears on the other side of the line, "Campbell, I - I don't-"

"Woah! Hey, calm down. Talk to me."

"Zack's girlfriend, Bailey, you- you remember her? She came to visit that one time," Parker starts to ramble, "we were absolutely blackout that whole weekend so I don't even know-"

Dean and Sam both tilt their heads to look at Campbell in the backseat, they must be able to hear Parker on the other line. She swats them away, "yes," she stops Parker from further exposing herself, "yes I remember Bailey. P, what's wrong?"

"She's, oh Campbell! It's awful," Parker starts to wail again, "she's dead! And Zack's been charged with the murder!" 

"What?!" Campbell motions for Dean to pull over. He does so, but not without a big sigh. "Your brother, Zack?" 

"Yes! But I know he didn't do it. There's no way! But the cops, ugh," Parker swallows thickly, "it sounds like they have a pretty good case. I don't know what to do, Elle!" 

"Hey, shh, calm down," Dean and Sam are now turned around in their seats trying to ask what's going on, "my brother, Sam. You remember him, yeah?" Sam raises an eyebrow at his sister. "He's - was - pre-law at Stanford. Maybe he can help? Plus, you sound like you could use a hug. We're not too far from St. Louis."

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐆𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇Where stories live. Discover now