What A Nice Surprise.

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My head hurt, I woke up with a groan. I know I drank last night but this was a huge ass hangover.
I sat upright, I noticed someone giving off light snores beside me. My eyes grew, did I really just sleep with someone!? I looked around, this wasn't even my house!

I got out of whoevers bed this is getting ready to get the fuck out of here. As u passed the body sized mirror, a glimpse of my tall and slim body was cought. I stopped, that's not what I looked like.
I faced the mirror and my eyes grew when I saw the reflection.
There was only one mature thing I could do right now.

Th-This was Amber Heard, THE Amber Heard. WHAT AM I DOING IN HER BODY!? What the fuck!? This doesn't even make sense!

"Why are you screaming?" I heard a low yet sexy voice ask. Wait, I know that voice. I know that accent.

Johnny Depp.


"N-Nothing, I-I thought I saw a.... Mole?" My voice even sounded like hers. What the fuck is going on!?

I sprinted to the bathroom.

No no no no no! Why is this happening? Why universe!? Why!? I stared at myself in the mirror. Dirty blonde hair,bright green eyes. Amber Heard was truly a beauty, but not her character. I began admiring her features, it was so perfect, how could she not be greatful for what she has? A beautiful body and face, a gorgeous husband and the most adorable children.

That's it! She's NOT greatful, maybe I was placed here to MAKE her greatful. But how? I groaned in frustration, how do you make an arrogant ass like her become greatful for things she don't even need, or want.

"Is everything good in there?" Asked

Johnny, oh my fucking God!I can't believe I'm with Johnny! I'll probably meet Lily and Jack soon.

"Y-Yes, just a second".I answered, I brushed my teeth hurriedly and came out. I dint even need to get ready.

"Woah..." he trailed off when he saw me exit.

"What?" I asked, confused. Did I do something wrong?

"Just, you usually take hours in there. But change is good". He said with a tap on my shoulder. He walked in and got ready.

An hour!? What could she possibly do in there for an hour!? I face palmed myself and decided to go downstairs. I've already seen this house (on the internet) but it was way cooler in person, I mean... House.

I walked in the lounge, nervous for some reason. Then, I spotted Lily on her phone.

"Lily-Rose?" I asked, why am I even calling her!? Im so weird!

"OMG Amber, I'm sorry for touching your phone, I just needed t-"

"It's okay, Lily. It's okay. You can use it whenver you want". I reassured. Woah, she must be really afraid of Amber. She looked so sweet,whst could Amber possibly do to make Lily hate her?

"Seriously? Okay, where the real Amber?" She asked, playfully. I began to grow nervous. But that's when I got an idea. What if I told her the truth so she could help me, I won't be able to fix this on my own. And Lily seems so friendly.

"Lily, listen. There's something I have to tell you. Everything I'm about to say is REAL. No joke, no prank, please trust me". I moved to the cough as I spoke, I sat beside her, you could tell she was creeped out and suspicious.

"Okay, you DEFINITELY don't sound like Amber, so who are you? How did THIS happen?" She asked, motioning to my body.

"I woke up... And that's it. Lily, I do t know how I got here. I just woke up next to your father, in this body, I need to get back. I don't know to what exactly but, this isn't my life,i don't deserve this life, whatever Amber did to you, I'm sorry. But I can't do this on my own". I begged, I could see her grow sad, she had sympathy for me, so she agreed to help.

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