The Best Mom.

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"Dad was so scared!" Lily laughed as we walked to the belcony, ready to get our chill on. We had already brought blankets and everything.

"I could see him shivering when he held the controller!"She yelled excitedly.
WE both laughed and I was about to sit down when I heard my name being called.

"Amber". I heard, it was Johnny, he had a serious look on his face which made us both worried. Am I in trouble for buying his son a drone?I went over and Johnny led me in the hallway.

"Jack wants to talk to you about something? I think it's about school stuff. I told him he could talk to me, but he insisted that I call you".He informed, holding my hand. It felt so warm. I felt flattered that Jack preferred me than his own father.

"It's okay, I'll tell you what we spoke about if that makes you feel better". I reassured, placing my hand on his chest with a warm smile.

To my surprise, he grabbed my hand and placed it on his cheek, leaning against it cutely.

"What happened to you? You're so different, like someone else just ook over your body and mind. I'm glad though, you can tell me whats going on". When he said that body part, I laughed nervously. Why? Because that's EXACTLY what happened. He gave me a weird look but replaced it with a smile instantly.

"Nothings wrong, I just hate having people see me as the bad guy, Johnny. So I thought about it and I realized I had to make things right with my own family before I could make things right with the world. And life hasn't been better". A huge smile appeared on his face, his pearly whites made my heart melt.

"That means so much to me, love."He said, pulling me in a warm hug, I wish I could stay like this forever.

" You should go, Jack is waiting". He motioned his hand to his room which made me smile.

"Prepare yourself for a surprise tonight". He whispered, his voice made my legs weak, I thought I was going to fall but luckily, I cought my balance in the nik of time.

I watched as he disappeared in the hallway, my heart raced and I tried calming myself down before knocking on Jack's door.

"Come in!" He replied cutely.

I entered and saw him on the edge of his bed, acting abit nervous for some reason.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting myself down next to him. He moved closer and prepared himself to speak.

"There's this girl, I like her. Alot. But I don't want to approach her, I'm afraid if I approach her, I'll attract too much attention and I don't like that. So how do I talk to her without causing a scene? I would ask dad, but he wasn't famous that time so he wouldn't know what I'm going through. I need some advice". Woah, he just came out of his shell with me! Nice parenting!

To be honest, I wouldn't know what to do Ina situation like this, so I just improvised.

"Jack, it's not hard being famous, we all know that. So what if suggest is for you to go as slow as possible with this girl. Greet her every now and then, smile at her. Start small conversations about things you know she might like. Like art, you like art and so does most girls. So speak about how hard lighting and shading is, the different types of shading and maybe even impress her with some of your art. But DO NOT approach her where there's a crowd. Try to get her alone, that's always best".I advice, to be honest, I was surprised by my own little pep talk.

He gave me a huge hug to show his gratitude.

"Thanks, I didn't think of that, I'll definitely try it. You're awesome".He gave me a warm smile, I got up and was about to leave until he stopped me.

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