The Truth.

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"Don't EVER think that, you're the best husband anyone could ever ask for. It's not you, Johnny. It's me, it's always been me. I need to make things right with the world now. Where do I even start, I don't think I can do this, I'm too young for a burden like this, why did this have to happen to me, this isn't my body, I don't want to do this anymore. Take me back, just... Take me back". I didn't realise I said that out loud,and by the time I did. He already heard and he looked angry, confused and shocked.

"Who the fuck are you?"

I backed away, he seemed pissed, scared and nervous. Like how the fuck can you have so much emotions at once!? I grew scared, I didn't know this Johnny.
I wanted to leave but I couldn't.

"You won't believe me". I assured, looking down in shame. His probably broken now, he won't trust me again.

"I believed you when you said this isn't my body, so, who the FUCK are you!?" He yelled, his hands clenched in a fist.

"Amber is never so nice, never so tolerant like... Whoever the fuck you are. My life would be hell if it were her. So please, do yourself a favour and leave before she comes back from... Wherever she is". What he said hurt, but his trying to protect himself and his children. I'll have to explain everything and hopefully he'll let me stay and help maybe fix her problems so I can go back to my boring ass life.

So I did, I told him everything from when I screamed that one morning. He was shocked of cause, but everything made sence to him at the end. When I was done explaining, he hevaed an exasperating sigh and brushed his hair out of his face.

"So she won't come back until you fix her mistakes? That's fucked up".
He sighed again and grabbed my hand.

"Listen, Uhm..."He trailed off, wanting to know my real name.

"Mary". I said, feeling embarrassed. Jesus, this was probably the most stupid thing he ever heard.

"I'll help you, but only for the protection of my children, I don't know what you're capable of. So please understand". He begged, he was so calm, yet confused. He was being careful around me now.

"Does anyone else know?" He asked curiously.

"Just Lily, she helped me solve a few of her problems. She's a very good person, Mister Depp. I hope you're proud of her". I have to be formal with him now, he looked down and smiled, knowing he did a good job as a father.

"She didn't freak out?" He asked, amused.

"No, she noticed right away, she's smart too". I complimented,he smiled again. He easily grew shy, this was gonna be weird between us. I just won't bring up the fact that we had sex. Easy.

"We had sex". He pointed out, WAS HE READING MY MIND!?

"Yeah, i- I couldn't-"

"It's okay, I enjoyed it". My heart just gave in. I blinked in shock, HE ENJOYED IT. I guess lily was right when she said he needed it.

"Me too". I said with a smile. He bent over and placed a long kiss in my forehead.

"Let's hope to do that again some time, but right now... We have to sort plan a few things." OMFG HE WANTS TO DO IT AGAIN! AAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHHHHH!!!

"Sure, what do you have in mind?"
I asked, getting all fidgety, it was an old habit of mine.

"This..."He trailed off and placed his lips on mine. Oh my lord! He meant now? He laughed at my expression. He was teasing me, he wanted to see me fangirl but no! I shall not!

" You're cute when you're shy, Amber is never shy. I miss that about her...and...everything else". He is said, looking down with a sad expression. I felt sorry for him, his marriage was a disaster.

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