Trouble With Jack.

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"This is so hard! What did I even do to Jack!" I yelled furiously as I walked with Lily. She tried so hard not to laugh.

"Lily-Rose Melody Depp! What is so funny!?" I yelled, stomping my feet out of anger.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's just ... I've never seen Amber like this Omg". She admitted as she took a sip of her milkshake. She got both of us one, we needed some privacy since Johnny was home. I needed to know what wrong I did to the world.

"I'm not Amber, I'm Mary.17 years old who has a tacky life with no purpose. And now the universe decides to chose me to do its dirty work". I said with a sigh of annoyance.

"But hey, at least you made out with my dad. I'm sure you're a Depphead right?" She asked with a smirk. Sipping on her milkshake cutely.


She laughed at my expression. She was so laid back and chilled.

"I'm kidding! But it's true". She said with a shrug.

"How did you know about the Depphead thing?" I asked, we finally reached a table just outside a coffee shop where we both took a seat.

"I see lots of posts about my dad on Instagram, it just popped up. And the comments I read are just about How's Johnny and say hi to Johnny for me. Depphead for life and blah blah blah.". She was so funny, but I can't believe she actually reads all that comments.

" And do you tell him?" I asked, staring curiously.

"Yes, it always makes him happy when his down. Or just hungover".
She said smiling. Thinking back to those moments.

"okay! So, what Amber did to Jack was so immature. She took all of his electronics and broke it in front of him. Saying you don't deserve this, your dad needs to stop letting electronics control you, they'll turn you into a brat". She said, this made us both laugh our hearts out.

"So I should probably return all that, huh? What if he still hates me? It's so hard to be rude to the people you actually like. When I scold you, it hurt. When I acted mean towards Johnny, I wanted to cry. But I had to, it kind of worked out in the end". I smiled, thinking back to how held me, how he kissed me.

"DEFINITELY". Lily said, looking at how drwnay I had become.

"His so perfect..." I trailed off, my chin was placed on my palm with my elbod in the table.

"Okay lover girl. Let's fix this. I knwi what would make Jack happy again... A drone. His been yapping about that since forever". She said with a role of her eyes. I smiled.

"THAT'S AWESOME! I WISH I HAD ONE TOO! do you know all the cool things I could do? Hacking, spying, colkecitn intel-"

"Okay spy girl. You two will get along just fine once he has that". She Whipped out her phone.

"Where are we gonna get a drone? Isn't that government stuff?" I asked, listing off all the things I could remember.

"Not if you know a guy who haurds things from his movies... MY AGENT!" She yelled, making me jump out of my seat.

"Hey do you still have that drone you've been yapping about? Really? Awesome, I need to have it for... Jack's birthday, please? How much are you willing to sell it for. 400? SOLD!" and jsut like that, she stood up and grabbed my hand, leading me to the car.

Time skip cos I is lazy and anyway, they got the drone.

I took a deep breath as I stood in front of Jack's door, with the drone wrapped in a box neatly. Of cause lily had given me a pep talk before I got here, I was having a last minute panic attack. Why? BECAUSE I'M ABIUT TO SPEAK TO JACK JOHN CHRISTOPHER DEPP! AKA JOHNNY DEPPS SON! who I've been crushing on lately.

Switched {Johnny Depp} Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon