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Remus sighed sadly, his body and mind aching. Yesterday had been the full moon, and today was the first Order meeting since the war had ended. The war that so unfairly stole so many lives, including Nymphadora Tonks' life. The atmosphere in the room was heavy, everyone grieving in their own way, most of all Harry. He felt that all the deaths were his fault, which was entirely not true. Not that anyone could convince him otherwise.

As Remus entered the meeting room in Grimmauld Place, he gave a small smile to Harry, taking the seat next to him. Harry smiled weakly back, his hair a mess. More of a mess than usual, that is. Clearly, he wasn't taking all the deaths well. No one was. Especially since Ginny was in a coma. Molly had sucessfully killed Bellatrix, but not before she could shout a curse at Ginny. They, The Order, had been able to heal her, but for now she was in a coma. No one knew for how long, or if she would ever wake up.

Remus almost felt guilty. Of everyone, it seemed he had lost the least during the war. Still, he had lost a very dear friend. Just as his and Tonks' relationship had started to blossom, she had been killed. Remus couldn't be sure, but as far as he knew, he had distracted her and that was when the fatal blow was thrown. Needless to say he was a wreck along with everyone else.

Remus turned his head away from Harry and towards the other side of the room when Arthur cleared his throat to draw everyone's attention. "I know we all are having a right awful time lately..what with all the, er, you know. Grief is important, as we know, but at the same time, we must also take the time to rebuild places that have been torn down. McGonnagal has asked me to inform everyone that we need help rebuilding Hogwarts. Anyone that can and is willing to, report there Saturday morning." There was a knock at the door, drawing everyone's attention immediately. Who could be there? Everyone in The Order aside from McGonnagal is here already...Remus rose from his seat, clutching his wand tightly as he exited the room.

Remus neared the door, unaware if anyone had followed him and if the meeting had continued. The knocking repeated after a few moments, and Remus hesitantly placed an ear against the door, listening. Curses were mumbled softly, quiet enough that Remus couldn't pick out who was at the door. It couldn't be an Order member, everyone is here and knows the password. Remus peered through the peep-hole, his wand dropping to the floor almost immediately.

He hurriedly unlocked the door and stood in shock at who he saw. "Changing the locks on my own home? How inexplicably rude." Sirus... Sirius finally looked up, his eyes meeting with Remus's. "Hello, old friend," Remus's heart skipped a beat. How is he here? Sirius looked at Remus expectantly. "Well? Can I come in to my own home?" Remus blinked, then stepped aside so Sirius could enter.

Another wand dropped to the floor with a clatter down the hallway. Harry stood in just as much shock as Remus, and Sirius had a tired smile on his face. "Good to see you, Harry," Harry immediately ran down the hallway, tackling Sirius in a powerful hug, tears streaming down his face. Remus had wanted to react like that, too, but knew it would be better to just get the exhausted man inside rather than crush his ribs.

Sirius buried his face in Harry's hair, holding the boy close. It was at this time that the rest of The Order got curious and appeared in the hallway, shock covering each of their faces. Harry was practically sobbing at this point, only releasing Sirius when Molly walked over and gently helped Harry let go of him. "Come now, Harry, let's give the man some space," Harry nodded slowly, a genuine smile on his face for the first time since the battle had ended.

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