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     Hermione, in fact, did not have a muggle fairy tale book on hand, which then meant Sirius would return a few moments later, jumping back onto the bed with Remus. "Liar, she didn't have any books I would read." Remus chuckled. "I didn't say she did, did I? I merely suggested you ask, which you did." Sirius pouted slightly, knowing Remus was right. Again.

     "Well, what am I supposed to do now?" Sirius huffed, changing the topic for what felt like the hundredth time from how incorrect he was. Remus merely shrugged, scanning through the pages of his book while he talked to Sirius. "You could ask Harry if you can borrow the broom you gave him and go for a fly, I suppose," Sirius's face brightnened noticeably at the idea. Remus chuckled as Sirius once again escaped the room with an excitement about him.

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