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Remus materialized a few dozen feet from the recently rebuilt burrow, only then remembering the barrier that had been put up to keep anyone unwelcome out. He muttered a spell under his breath and a human-sized hole appeared in the barrier for a moment, and Remus quickly walked through before it could close.

The burrow was just as chaotic as usual, if not simply quieter. George, however, seemed to be able to keep up his jokester antics, even without Fred around to help him. Thank Merlin for that, Remus thought, or else we'd all be a lot more miserable. Remus grabbed George's arm as he ran past, chasing ron with a spider on a stick. "Could you let Arthur know Molly'll be back in a few minutes?" George shrugged and nodded, then took off to find Ron again once Remus let go of his arm.

He walked up the stairs calmly, fully planning on just returning to the room he was staying in at the burrow, but paused for a moment when he noticed Harry sitting next to Ginny for the millionth time since she had been in a coma, squeezing her hand tightly. "Still no movement?" Remus commented as he entered the room, moving next to Harry. Harry nodded slowly.

"D'ya think she'll be okay?" "I'm sure of it. You just have to hold out hope, Harry." Harry nodded again. "I guess. At least Sirius is somehow back, so that's a plus," Remus nodded. "Which isn't to say that I'm not grateful that you've been here for me. It's just...different, somehow. He's Sirius." Remus remained silent. I know exactly what you mean, more than ever, he thought. "She'll be fine, Harry. Trust me." Remus turned and walked out of the room, returning to his own.

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