Well I hope it doesn't need a reset. (Not Edited)

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This story takes place after legacy and heroes of olympus.

I do not own any of these charicters ( except cosmè who enters the story at a later time) all credit for the charicters go to shannon messenger and Rick riordan.

An. Thanks to tomannyfandoms for giving me the name for the last chapter.

If I say FN while talking about POV I mean for now. (The point of view will change trought the chapter.)


Chapter five Sophie's POV FN. 915 words

It takes Sophie a moment to realize they did not exit the void on the ground like they should have. As they hurtled through the air, Sophie flails. Her energy is so low it's a miracle she's conscious, so there's no way she's going to be able to slow or stop their descent. Sandor pulls her into his arms and shelters her as they crash. She hears a few other loud thumps, but it appears most of her friends were able to stop their falls.

"What happened to that jump?" Keefe asks as he helps Sophie to her feet.

"I'm not sure," Sophie replies, rubbing her head.

"Well, are you ok?" Keefe says, scanning her for injuries while Fitz speaks up.

"I'm not an expert on human cities, but this definitely is not Hollywood."

"I'll be ok," Sophie says to Keefe, then turns to Fitz. "I realized we were heading to the wrong place, but I couldn't fix it. I don't know where we are."

"We need to figure out where we are and what happened to the teleportation," Fitz says.

Keefe walks Sophie a couple of steps to the right and sits her down, leaning against the only tree atop the hill. "Are you sure you're ok, Sophie? You were really leaning on me."

"You're the one who just woke up from a coma."

"That's not a real answer," Keefe says.

"I've got a bit of a headache, but I'll be fine in a minute."

"Considering this weird jump, I'm not sure that's just a normal headache."

"I'll be fine, Keefe," Sophie says again.

"The best way to help Sophie is to get her back to the Elvin world."

"You work on that, and I'll ensure that Sophie's still alive when we return," Keefe says. Sophies is about to say that she's fine yet again when Dex speaks up.

"I think we might actually be in Hollywood. This kinda looks like one of the sets for a human movie my mom showed me. I think it was called Percy Johnson or something. It was a really crappy adaptation of a book, so there probably making another one."

Sophie looked out over the hill and saw what Dex was talking about, but it clearly was not a movie set.


Percy's POV.

He looked up to see annabeth standing over him with a blue piece of cake in her hand, and he smacked his face."me and Jayson spent two hours finding the right mix of collores to make gray and they applying it to the cake and it turns out blue. Not that I have anything wrong with blue but this is your party."

Annabeth laughed, and he was annoyed untill she stayed. " Percy you and Jayson did a great job coloring the cake, though it shouldn't of taken that long, it's the same shade as my eyes. I might of hurd about the party and made some blue cake espeshialy for you. I'm surprised you didn't notice that I added it it to the cake when you brought it out. The frostings not the same color as the rest " She smiled and my anoyense was gone. I tooke a bite of cake, purpousfuly smearing frosting on my lip, before kissing her forehead. She pushed me away and wiped the frosting off her face.

"Ga, seweed brain. What was that for." She yelled when it stained her head.

Before I could answer out party quardinator raised his glass th the sealing."To Annabeth" Jayson proclaimed "may your next real birthday be as happy as this."

I plastered on a fake smile and tried to hide my shiver from everyone else as I flashed back to where annabeth had spent her last birthday. When we were down in tartarus no one realised her birthday had passed. He had felt so awfull for it when he overheard annabeth talking to chiron about it.

He snaped back to attention when Rachel came onto the stage " annabeth has been through so much. Her demigod experience started when she was seven, the only person to rival her in quest count is percy, and she has been the turning point for two wars." Rachle started

"Plus she's dating the most dangerous and soght after demigod in history" Nico sarcastically commented from the corner, every one laughed and Rachel continued

" well after all of that I'm glad to say that I have no more wars for her to fight. She can grow up, have and train kids, and lead a full life with Per..." at this her eyes rolled back in her head and she collapsed to the ground, green smoke billowing out around her.

"Well great she jinksed us." Annabeth muttered as she ran to get the three legged stooll Rachel used to give her ever famous prophecys.

AN. I know two chapters in one day I am amassing. The truth is that I need time to think of a prophecy so I probably won't update tomorrow.

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