Chapter 5.

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I was abit shocked to hear that.

Yeonjun got frustrated but he did control himself and about Soobin, he was more angry than yeonjun.

" you're my hyung so I just punched you otherwise I could have beat you till death, so it's the warning stay away from my Sun Hee got it ", Soobin said then hold my hands and exit the house.

I was speechless by his actions.

I didn't speak so I just went where he takes me.

He release my hands and looked at me then said, " are you okay? ".

I was terrified by his behavior so I responded by nodding.

" but you just spoiled your own groups party ", I said then he chuckled and said, " I don't care if people thinks I'm a bad person, I just know is that I have to keep someone safe from others".

I was again left speechless, this boy knows how to speak.

" you know what? ", I said then he looked at me.

" you speak so well ", I said then he laughed and said, " is it a compliment ".

" think so ", I said then he frowned and laughed.

" but I thought of meeting your other band mates", I said then he sighed and said, " don't worry they might be somewhere here ".

" what do you mean somewhere here ", I asked then he smiled and said, " they hate such parties so, what they do is stay away as much as they like ".

I giggled then said, " but I really want to meet them ".

" you can ", he said then dialed the number and called them.

" they say they're coming ", he said then we waited for them.

" but really because of me your party is ruined ", I said then he smiled and said," it's not your fault ".

After chatting for a bit here comes his band mates.

They waved at me and to soobin too.

" oh you might be Sunhee noona ", one boy said then I pointed at myself and said, " did you just called me 'noona'? ".

They all nodded except for soobin he was laughing.

" yeah I think that you're older than us so ", that same boy said then I chuckled and nodded.

" Anyways hii Sunhee noona I'm Taehyun", that boy said then I nodded.

" and I'm Beomgyu" , the other said.

" and I'm the maknae Huening Kai ", the other one said then I nodded.

" and I'm Choi Sun Hee ", I said then they all glanced at each other than closed their mouths and said, " are you Seventeen subaniems sister I mean Seungchol subaniems sister ".

I awkwardly nodded then they all went shocked and said, " we are a very big fan of them, gosh they sing so well and their performance not to mention also, they are beyond super ".

I giggled then said, " yeah I'm Seungchol oppas little sister and I'm a doctor ".

They again went shocked and I giggled.

" wow a doctor and an idol, your family must be so proud of you both noona ", Kai said then I chuckled.

" anyways guys I have to discuss about some important thing so please just two minutes ", soobin said then the other three nodded their heads.

" we will be back, get inside the car okay ", soobin said then I nodded and get inside the car and waited for them.

Soobins Pov~

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