Chapter 27: Wasted

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Jennie POV 

As they arrived at the bar they already found Jisoo and Lisa outside, apparently Lisa was kicked out for getting into a fight with the Manager of the bar. 

"Lisa you dumbass, look at your face. You think showing up to class like that on Monday will set a good impression to the kids?" Jisoo yelling at her 

"Hi babe, are you guys okay?" Rosie asks and Jisoo just nods 

"Lisa, how come it feels like things haven't changed. Its been 3 years and you're still getting into fights." Rosie says 

"Hi Rosie, I missed you." Lisa says 

"I am still really mad at you but that doesn't mean I don't care about you. Now get your ass up and we are taking you home." Rosie says 

"I'll take her home. You guys get some rest." Jennie says from the background 

"No Jen, its fine. We are okay." Jisoo insists 

"I am used to seeing Lisa with a bloody face. I will handle it. I don't want Ella to see her this way." Jennie says and the both just nod and help Jennie get Lisa into the Uber

"Jennie, why are you here? I am sober enough to go home. Please don't make this hard for yourself. Don't be around someone you hate. Not for me." Lisa says 

"Shut up. I said I am going to help you. For Ella." Jennie says in frustration 

The rest of the car ride was quiet, dead quiet 

As they reached Lisa's unit, Jennie couldn't help but feel nostalgic, as if she was taken back in time 

"You still have everything in here exactly the way you did 3 years ago.." Jennie said 

"You fixed it this way, I would never change it" Lisa said in a low voice 

Jennie sat Lisa down on the couch and she went into the bedroom to get her some clothes and the first aid kid. She opened the closet, and was shocked to find her clothes, the ones she left right where it still is. Lisa never removed anything as if they were still living together. 

Jennie snapped out of her trance as she heard something break in the other room she quickly got what she came in for she made her way back outside only to find the most heartbreaking thing 

Lisa was hugging her knees crying as she was holding a picture of her and Jennie, the glass of the frame was broken and Lisa's hands were bleeding 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I was going to get up and put it away but I got dizzy and it slipped from my hand Im sorry love, Im sorry." Lisa said crying 

She wasn't talking to Jennie though.. she was talking to their picture 

Jennie couldn't help but tear up at what she saw, she felt for the first time, that Lisa was in pain just as much as she was. She approached Lisa and took the frame from her hands and tended to the wounds 

"I'm sorry. I am sorry you had to see that. It's just that... It was the only thing I had left of you." Lisa said 

Jennie stayed quiet continuing to tend to Lisa's wounds "I'll stay here with you tonight. I see that I still have clothes here anyway. I'll just take them with me when I leave tomorrow." Jennie said 

"Don't please. Leave them. Please." Lisa says 

"What for Lisa, we aren't together anymore, and you don't need a reminder of what once was." Jennie said 

"What always will be. For me. Please leave them. I am not expecting you to stay or come back. I know that it won't happen. But you see, this apartment.. your clothes. That picture. Will always be a reminder of the time you were still with me, and sometimes when I see your clothes I still feel you'll be coming home to me. Thats why I set 2 plates on the table. Even if I know its just in my imagination. It keeps me going. So tomorrow, you can leave, but leave the things that make me feel you are home with me behind. Okay?" Lisa said 

Jennie couldn't say anything she just nodded in agreement and excused herself to use the restroom, when she got in.. she began to cry... hard. It still hurt. Everything hurt. 

Lisa walks into the bathroom, and sits next to her on the floor, she put her arm around Jennie "Shhhhh. Stop crying. I am not asking anything of you, I want you to be happy, love. I want to see you smile. I want you to be able to sleep at night. I will be okay. As long as I know you are okay, I will always be okay." Lisa assures her 

"I know why you left, but I don't know where you went. Can you at least tell me that." Jennie asked 

Lisa took a deep breath and nodded "I didn't go anywhere. I stayed here. 3 years and I saw everything. I heard you when you would knock on my door every night, when you would ask my neighbors if they saw me. I heard every voice mail you left but I fought myself not to come running to you.. because I saw Ella grow up, I saw you and Kai happy. I saw everything from afar. I didn't reach out to anyone but my parents. I worked for Dad's restaurant which is an hour away knowing that for sure you guys wouldn't see me. But I was never too far. I told myself that if a day comes and I see you unhappy with him I would take you away with me, but every time I saw you. You were smiling. You seemed happy, with him and Ella. So I let you be, maybe it was a way to make myself feel better too. To make myself feel that it was the right decision since you were happy."

Jennie couldn't help but cry even more "So you were here? all along? and you saw me happy? You saw me smile? but you never saw me cry, every night alone in my room. I would cry longing for you to come back for me, but you never did. You let me be, you let me find comfort in Kai when I needed it from you." she said 

"But you did anyway. You found comfort in him. My mistake was thinking I could come back and be okay with seeing you with him. But you said it yourself. We are over. But I just want you to know. I will always love you, Jennie Ruby Jane." Lisa said 

"You're stupid for thinking we would ever be over, Lisa." Right then and there, Jennie pulled Lisa in for a kiss.. and just like before.. they made love

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