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Chapter Two: A Royal Thief

"You are a terrible dancer Mara."

Prince Thomas winced for the sixth time. He was sure that by the end of the night, his feet would end up with blisters.

He hadn't expected for Mara to be such a terrible dancer. Despite her being drunk, she had no rhythm.

"Well it seems that makes me such a bad candidate. I mean, what queen possibly doesn't know how to dance?" Mara stated in a high pitched voice, placing a hand against her forehead.

The prince simply chuckled at her behaviour. He hadn't met someone so reckless and carefree like Mara.

A princess who had no care for the crown.

"So tell me Mara, which kingdom are you from?" Prince Thomas questioned.

Mara remained quiet as she twirled herself around, laughing slightly as she once again stepped on his feet. Ignoring his question, Mara changed the subject, "So have you decided who will be queen? I'm sure that blonde that is staring daggers at me will make a very fine queen".

Prince Thomas glanced behind her to see a blonde haired woman glaring at Mara with hatred. Catching the blonde's stare, he watched as her look of hatred morphed quickly into a look of seduction. Giving her a small smile, he quickly looked back down to Mara.

"It's not that easy to choose someone I will spend the rest of my life with. I mean, I barely know any of these girls here. How am I supposed to choose which one will be a great queen?".

Mara kept her mouth shut as she stared at the prince. For the first time, she had really observed him. From the way his nose was slightly crooked, to the way his eyebrow was more chaotic than the other, Mara realized something.

Prince Thomas was a beautiful, handsome man.

She had heard many things about him. The way his kind eyes made anyone smile, or the way his laugh sounded like a soft melody. Mara had heard many rumors about the beauty of the prince but she had only now confirmed those rumors.

"I'm sure you'll come to a decision soon. Every King needs a Queen, you'll find yours."

The prince furrowed his brows. "How will I even decide?".

Mara simply placed her hand against his chest. "You'll know. When you see the princess that will be worthy to rule by your side, your heart will know".

Prince Thomas was about to respond but was cut off by the urgent voice of his father.

"There you are Thomas. I have been searching for you all night, there is a princess I wish for you to meet."

The Prince watched as Mara simply patted his chest once more before she gave both the King and Prince a courtesy and slipped back into the ballroom.

The King watched as his son stared at the young woman walking away. "Who was she?".


"Is she a princess?"

Prince Thomas sighed at the tone of his father's voice. He knew that question meant, 'Is she a possible candidate?'.

Shaking his head, he gave his father a frown. "Do I need to choose tonight?".

The King gave his son a nod as he wrapped around him and led him back into the ballroom. "Son, this is something that has to be done. Every King needs a Queen. I understand you don't like this way but you have no choice. You are the heir to this throne, you have to make a choice."

Prince Thomas let out a defeated sigh. He knew he had no choice. Like his father said, 'Every King needs a Queen'. Yes, the prince knew this but he didn't want to choose a princess like if it was a game.

'Your heart will know' Mara's words echoed back to him as he glanced around the ballroom, trying to find the brunette. He felt himself move through the crowd, desperately wanting to find the young woman who had made his night better.

Bumping into one of the royal guards, Prince Thomas grabbed their arm, "Have you seen a young woman, she has brown hair and was wearing a peach color gown."

The royal guard pointed towards the entrance of the ballroom. "You mean her?".

Prince Thomas gave him a quick thank you before he rushed towards her. Giving the brunette a tap on the shoulder, "Mara I thought I lost-"

He was cut off as an unfamiliar face stared at him

"Prince Thomas what an honor" The blue eyed princess bowed before him, making sure that her chest was exposed.

"I apologize, I thought you were someone else". The prince gave her a nod before he exited the ballroom and made his way down the hall.

Panic made its way through him as he zig zagged around the castle, desperately trying to find the drunken princess that had stolen something without him noticing.

His frantic breaths were the only sound he heard as he made his way towards the entrance of the castle. Prince Thomas felt himself stop as the royal guards blocked the doors.

"I need to go through."

The royal guards gave him a nod of acknowledgement. "We are sorry your highness but it was the King's orders not to let you step out of the castle".

The Prince tried to get through them but it was no use.

He had to stand there as he watched Mara step into a carriage, wanting nothing more than to run after her and take back what's his. Because without his knowledge, Mara had stolen something precious from him.

Mara had stolen his heart.

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