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Chapter Fourteen: Running Out Of Time

The faint sound of Kai's voice brought Mara back into realization of what just had happened.

There was a throbbing pain in her head as she opened her eyes but was quick to close them as the burning sensation grew. She felt herself being pulled up into a sitting position.

Her eyes rang, blocking all the noise and making the pain in her head grow. Mara felt like her muscles where made of steal, they felt heavy and everything hurt.

"Mara? Mara I need you to look at me. Open your eyes" Kai's calming voice made Mara move her head up to him and slowly open her eyes.

Her vision was blurry, Mara could barely make out the figure in front of her was Kai. Mara's eyes burned, it felt like she was staring right at the sun.

"Breathe. That's it Mara, just open your eyes and breathe for me okay?" Kai ordered as he held Mara's face in his hands.

Behind him, a worried prince stood with his nails between his teeth. After Mara had collapsed in front of him, he had gone into shock as black tears poured down her eyes. She was gasping like she was drowning and the black veins had spread up to her face.

"What happened?" Mara asked as she regained her vision.

"You collapsed. It looked like you were dying, I thought you were dying" Prince Thomas told her in a broken voice making Mara look at him with a soft expression.

"Mara, something happened to you" Kai commented making Mara glance at him, "Your eyes...they are black Mara, completely black. The veins they spread up to your face."

Mara stayed quiet as she felt Kai's hand slip off her face. Her mind was trying to process her state, she could imagine the black veins creeping up her cheeks. Giving her the evil look of her alter ego, the one who held all the darkness within her was being shown.

"I can fix this" Mara whispered as she looked down to her hands, noticing that black veins wrapped around her fingers.

"Mara don't-"

Kai was stopped by Mara closing her eyes and yelling out in pain. Blood roll down her eyes as she tried her best to continue the healing spell. Her muscles felt like they were tearing her apart but that didn't stop her.

Mara continued the spell, using every last bit of energy she had to try and heal herself but it was no use.

"Mara stop it! You'll kill yourself!" Prince Thomas yelled as he watched the veins around her face grow.

Kai caught Mara as she collapsed, a broken sob left her blood smeared lips. Her body kept on shaking, she was in so much pain.

"It's alright Mara" Kai tried his best to calm her down. He knew that Mara's attempt to try and heal herself took a lot of energy. Heck, Mara had nearly ripped herself apart.

There was tension in the air as Mara controlled her breathing and glanced up to look at Kai. She gave him a grateful smile before she tried to stand up.

Kai helped her stand up, watching the way her hands were now bruised.

Prince Thomas remained quiet as he walked over and softly grabbed her arm before he wrapped it over his shoulder. Giving her his body as his support, he made sure she was comfortable before he turned to look at Kai, "We must go."

Kai gave him a nod as he picked up her belongings and adjusted her pouch on his back. He didn't say another word as he followed the prince and Mara. He had never met someone so stubborn like Mara, he wasn't sure why she was so stuck on trying to fix herself.

Mara was aware that she had no energy left yet that didn't stop her from trying. Kai kept watching as Mara leaned her body against the prince's and allowed him to help her.

Realization had kicked in half way through the walk. Kai felt his heart clench as he glanced up to look at Mara, in that moment he had come to a conclusion.

Mara wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted, even if that meant risking her life.

authors note: ahhhh look at all these updates! Hope you are enjoying and be on the lookout for another update will be posted next!

what if I just posted the whole book?Ahaha jk...unless??

please leave your lovely thoughts and vote!! Love you all and stay tuned for the next update will be up!

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