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Chapter Fifteen: Fading Magic

Mara felt her magic begin to fade away. A feeling of emptiness was beginning to grow within her and it was beginning to scare her.

She had known that all magic comes with a price.

"Mara, you can wish for all the magic in the world but remember you will always pay a price"

The echoing voice of her father drowned her thoughts. She could already here his disapproval and disappointment. Mara's father never had it easy for her, he always expected too much and sometimes too much wasn't enough for him.

Mara had been raised with the thought that she would be the most powerful but now, she felt like the weakest witch.

She was meant to be the strongest, she was meant to make her father proud. Mara could have been so great but now she was on the brink of her defeat.

She had attempted to heal herself but that had taken a toll on her, something she didn't expect. She never had trouble when it came to doing magic for herself, in fact it was almost natural.

Mara didn't want for the prince and Kai to see her the way she was. She didn't want for them to see her in pain, they were humans, they were meant to be afraid of her power.

But she had just made them see she was too vulnerable.

Mara felt another wave of pain making her gasp softly. Her hold around Kai tighten, making him wince as she subconsciously stabbed her nails in his bicep.

Giving him a small smile, she placed her hand over his bicep and healed the small wounds she had inflicted.

"You need to save your energy, there was no need to heal me" Kai commented making Mara shake her head.

"I bet this is the last thing you wished for" Mara commented as she used Kai for support.

Kai simply let out a dry laugh as he adjust his hold on her. He had been using his body for support, almost carrying her as they kept on walking through the forest. Prince Thomas had helped her for the past hours and he had volunteered to switch for him to rest.

Mara had told them that they were close, they needed to past the elf kingdom and the book would be there. She had told them they had to pass through it as quick as possible, for if they were found my the elves, they would be in big trouble.

"The prince cares for you", Kai said as he gave her a quick glance, "There is an unspoken trust he has for you and therefore, as my duty to protect him, I shall help you. Don't think this will change my dislike for you."

Mara felt herself smile, "Whatever you say Kai, I know deep down you are starting to like me."

Kai remained quiet as he helped her get over a tree stump. Prince Thomas was a couple of steps ahead of them, as he was the one in charge with the map.

"We are close, Mara you think you can locate the exact location of the book?", Prince Thomas turned to look at Mara.

"I believe so, give me the map", Mara grabbed the map from the prince and placed her hand on top of it.

Closing her eyes, she began to mumble the locating spell but stopped as a stabbing sensation in her heart made her gasp. Opening her eyes, she watched as Kai tighten his hold on her and helped her to standing.

"She still needs more time to rest your majesty, she doesn't have enough energy" Kai told the prince as he made sure she was able to stand on her own before he let her go.

Picking up the map she had dropped, Kai glanced back up to Mara and gave her a small nod, "It's okay, you can try to the spell once you feel better."

Mara opened her mouth to speak when the sound of bushes rustling around them made them all get into a fighting position. Mara felt her muscles tense as she watched elves surround them. They were all pointing spears towards them.

At the sound of a specific elf voice, Mara knew their was no going back. The moment that she had recognized that voice, Mara felt her heart stop and knew all her truth was about to come out.

A tall, handsome elf stepped out to make himself known, a sickening smile rested on his lips at her looked at her, "Oh my sweet Mara, how have I missed you."

authors note: oh oh! well, what do you guys think will happen next? Who is this elf that made Mara nervous? Next update will be up soon! I'm super excited for what's to come, stick to your phones for more updates will be up sooner than you think!

hope you are all enjoying this story, do not forget to comment and vote! Love you all!

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