lemon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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iruma pov

I was sitting in my room reading one of my text books that I had to study for a test for the next day.
It was very hot in the demon realm and we had a pool outside but I wasn't in the mood to go swimming.
All the sudden I hear my boyfriend come into the room.
He looks to me gives me a smirk and he has a bag.
He walks over to me while biting his bottom lip he pins me to the table looks me right into my eyes and I can feel my face blush.
And then he leans down next to my face whispers in my ear and says.

"I got these things called lemon can we make some lemonade"

" ಠ_ಠ "

You just got trolled hahhahahahah
Sorry I just had to

iruma x asmodeusWhere stories live. Discover now