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he was a good boy he was the best dog I ever had but he had a tumor and it was his time to go today on    

Wednesday October 28th 2020

I honor him with the best of my life he was a good dog I came to him if I needed any trouble he always liked to come on my bed when he was feeling lonely sometimes he like to chase laser lights other times he would always follow my mom because he's a mama's boy he knew what we were going on he tried to stay with the family but it was his time to go you was a nice dog he was too friendly Stevie always wanted to be with us he always wanted to be around us because he was a good boy and no matter what will happen he will always be a good boy no matter who tells what

I honor Stevie because he always wanted to protect us whenever we took walks he would always want to stay in the front too protect us

His past owners I think were mean to him we saved him from a pound a week before he was going to get put down we had him for so many long years so many fun things we trained him we taught him not to go to the washroom inside the house but wait at the back door or let us take a walk with him

If you ever had a pet that you loved and he was gone I feel you

Today I honor my dogs that was a thousand hearts because his life start out sore then it went to us we try to make him happy I think he was but then he had to go

R.i.p Stevie a good dog a brother and family he will be missed dearly

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