When I'm Gone

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TW: Suicide
Sorry it's short.
This is a bit of a Vent, so yeah enjoy.

The cloudy night didn't help the boy feel any better. He was stuck walking the long road. A winding road. But he knew where that road was leading, it just mattered how fast he got there. Not that anyone would care anymore

Sure he had friends, but he could never tell them about the darkness in his head. His thoughts were clouded with dark thoughts. He felt a little bit like the weather. It could be sunny at one point and then be cloudy, then it could rain for days. What about when that sun falls? What happens when the sun doesn't come back.

It was dark. But he wasn't afraid of the dark. Perhaps that was the problem. He wasn't afraid of his dark days because he knew one day they would be the death of him. And so it seems to be the last. The last night. The last night on Earth. Bittersweet blessings.

There was a poison in his head. It spread. It's taking over his body and he knew that he wouldn't be able to find the antidote. It was far too late. All it would do is cause him pain and the process would repeat and repeat, until it finally killed him.

He couldn't help but miss when he was younger, the days were so much funner.

The old days. When they could laugh at the simplistic things. Just a group of friends thriving. Memories flowed back through his head as he sat on the cold railing of a bridge. From the helium challenge to the patience tests. Now Moo offs and Gameshows. It was fun while it lasted.

Luck never seemed to be on his side, from being raised with one parent to holiday videos. Fate never treated him nicely and has landed him on a bridge.

He was spending his last few moments on a bridge. He never liked water but he might as well try.

Everyone talked about how strong he was but physical strength was a single atom compared to mental strength.

He stepped over the railing carefully. His feet dipping off of the bridge as he took in the cold winters breeze.

There was only a single thing on his mind. Well, a wish. He had a single wish. To be remembered. And missed.

And with that simple thought he plunged towards the river.

I guess he wasn't so strong after all.

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