Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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Before the story begins, I just wanted to say this is my first book so please don't judge too harshly. Having said that, i'm really passionate about the plot and characters and I can't wait to see what it develops into. I really hope you guys like it too :) . Without further ado, let the story commence ;)


"When your world is completely flattened, you have no choice but to start over from the ground up. It can take over a decade. Anyone that watched from afar would call this a tragic catastrophe. I now know one of life's greatest secrets; destruction breeds growth."
― Kristin Michelle Elizabeth


My name is Alexandra Brooke. I am 22 years old. I live alone in a one bedroom apartment. I drive a red Ford. My parents died in a car crash 4 years ago. I love coffee but hate tea. My favourite colour is purple, not too bright like magenta, but deeper like dark orchid. I have partial heterochromia in my eyes - they're grey with flecks of silver but if you look real close you'll see a ring of brown near my pupil.

Stupid. Fucking. Details.

They're driving me insane. The past three months of my life have consisted of reading the same list of characteristics over. And over. And over again. The words have become almost meaningless now, just scribbles on paper that have been permanently engraved into my mind. But they're not meaningless. They're the exact opposite, actually. They're descriptors of my future life - or as I should probably say, they're descriptors of me. New me.

I know I sound crazy, let me explain.

Currently, I am 18 year old Rebecca Starlight (yes, I know it's a stupid name - I hate it and will never forgive my parents for giving me that monstrosity of a last name) but everyone calls me Beck. When I say everyone, I mean teachers, my singular friend, and my mother when she isn't intoxicated to the point of being an immobile mute, which is hardly ever these days. After my father died, she became a shell of the person she used to be... I don't even know if I can call her a person anymore. She drinks liquor like it's water and lays on the couch for days on end, blank eyes staring at the TV.

I really tried, for the first two years to get her to eat, to drink anything other than alcohol, to do, well... anything.

But to no avail.

My efforts were wasted on a woman that obviously doesn't give two shits about me. I didn't just lose my father that fateful day four years ago, but I lost my mother too. The sack of skin and bones that remains of her just acts as a painful reminder of how insignificant I am to everyone. My father died and my mother stopped looking after me - and herself for that matter. At the ripe age of 14, I basically became orphaned.

The first few months were the worst. Days of hunger and pleading on my knees for my mother to get up and buy some food turned to weeks, weeks turned to months. And eventually, months turned to years.

After a couple of weeks surviving on the scraps of food left in the cupboards, I took my survival into my own hands.

I'm not proud of what I did. Who I became. But in my eyes, it was either eat or be eaten - and I chose the former. I got involved in shady business, distributing drugs around my small town. The people I worked for were powerful and the customers who I delivered to were... unsavoury, to say the least. I had to grow a tough exterior in order to deal with the daily struggles I faced; Wandering hands from unwelcome guests, sexually explicit comments spat at me, lustful glares at any exposed skin I showed... But those things were just the tip of the iceberg, and I was the Titanic, headed straight for catastrophe.

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