Chapter 3: Fate?

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My eyes fluttered open as I laid in bed contemplating my life choices. Today was the day I had been dreading for weeks.

My business had been steadily growing ever since I started it two years ago, but it's at the point of expansion where I feel like I can no longer control it all myself. Today is the day I interview people for a joint partnership in my company.

The business itself is a publishing firm; Growing up I had always loved reading and at school and I always had my head in a book at lunchtimes. Books were an escape for me... before I found drugs, that is. But since I stopped using I found myself gravitating towards them again. I guess I crave the feeling of evasion. Or maybe I'm just irresponsible. Who knows.

Recommencing my earlier point, I'm dreading today. Reason being: I'm a control freak.

I didn't used to be so blunt with myself, but I've accepted that this is who I am now. My hypothesis is that I'm trying to make up for the loss of control I felt when my father died.

Don't be fooled, the icy exterior of Alexandra Brooke isn't all just one flamboyant facade though, it's built upon the basis of truth. Before I moved, I was still just a naive teenager, despite all the hardships I went through. I may have been extremely mature for my age, but I was definitely naive. Now I can safely say I'm seasoned and knowledgeable in almost all aspects in life. In the past two years, I feel like I've achieved that what those have done in 20.

And now it's time to pass the control baton on to someone else, or in my case, half the baton. I'm still planning on being the boss and in control of my company, I'm just going to have to swallow my pride and accept that there is going to be a second boss that can call the shots too.

I need to find someone I can trust, but that's definitely easier said than done. I'm practically just a vessel for trust and commitment issues at this point, all thanks to my fucked up past.


"What's up boss? Looking good as always."

I pushed past my assistant, rolling my eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you Sarah? You can't go around acting chummy with me while we're at work. You said it yourself, I'm the boss - so treat me like one." I said, in a austere tone.

"Oh I'm sorry, someone must have woken up on the wrong side of bed today." She retorted, eliciting a glare from me in response.

She continued. "You're just not big and scary like all my previous bosses, you know?" She twirled her hair around her finger. "Plus, whenever I look at you I just can't not picture you all... rough and tumble with your sex hair when I came round yours 2 weeks ago." She giggled.

I elbowed her in the gut. "Sarah! That is so not appropriate for work, Jesus. You should carry round a permanent NSFW warning sign or something. And anyway, you already know what happened that night, I didn't have sex because someone had to leave."

That night after my guest left, Sarah happened to barge through my apartment door because she wanted to, in her words, "hang out". I don't know why a woman in her late 20's still uses that phrase, because we all know what she actually meant was "get wine drunk and watch rom-coms all night until we cry ourselves to sleep".

Ever since I left my old life behind, I haven't really had time for new friends. But Sarah was persistent, to the point where she wasn't taking no for an answer. And I can't lie, she's definitely grown on me. I have a weak spot for that short and sweet, but discreetly mischievous, girl. From the outside she seems all innocent and bubbly, but I know better. She's actually really indecorous and very  sexually active, but we won't go there right now.  Her long black hair is always kept bouffant in a neat bun on top of her head at work, but anywhere else you'll find it straightened and glossy down her back. She has light green eyes and a curvy figure that turns heads instantaneously if she's wearing anything skintight. If she wasn't my best friend then, who knows what could've happened between us. 

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