Chapter 4

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Violets POV

My legs dangled off the cliff at the quarry as i threw rocks down at the water. The sun seemed extra hot today and the dirt and rocks below me burned my thighs. I heard the thud of Henry's knife hitting the tree as he threw it once again as AC/DC blared from the speakers of Belchs car. The first week of school had been actual hell, but living with my mother, everyday was hell anyways.

Greta had made it her life goal to make me miserable everyday. Of course she waited till no one else was around to do it, knowing I wouldn't defend myself. Why hit her back? If that's what gets her off at night I might as well let her have her fun. Yesterday she had dumped a plate of spaghetti all over my clothes, of course this was the one day out of the week I had worn white so I had to walked around looking like a crime scene for the rest of the day.

I heard the gravel shuffle behind me as I chucked another rock down into the water and watched it sink. I looked over to see Patrick's boots before He sat down next to me and snatched a rock out of my hand. He threw it down and it made a splash causing a turtle that was there to become startled and swim away. "What do you want?" I asked trying to cut to the chase. It seemed like he never talked to me unless he wanted something, typical male behavior.

"I'm not allowed to just sit here and enjoy the great outdoors with my friend?" he gasped mockingly as if I had deeply offended him by even asking that. I cocked my eyebrow in confusion. "Oh so were friends now? I remember 2 years ago you told me that we weren't friends and that I was just Belchs annoying little sister." I replied tossing another rock over the ledge. "You hold on to the past to hard flower" he laughed. "Whatever" was all I could think to say.

There was a long pause before either of us spoke next. "I heard your mom talking to you that day Greta fucked your face up. I was in your bathroom, I could hear through the door" he didn't look at me when he said that, as if he almost felt bad for eves dropping. "Well that was a privet conversation." I replied, throwing the next rock so hard it made my shoulder hurt. He didn't reply. Patrick never liked when people talked about there feelings, and he could probably tell that mine were strong towards the subject of my mother.

He reached into his pocket pulling out a half smoked joint and a lighter. He lit and and took a long hit. He held it out towards me as if to offer some and I took it, taking a drag and pushing all the remaining rocks I had in my lap off the cliff. I held it in as long as I could before it started to hurt before handing it back. 

"Well anyways" He said reaching once again into his pocket and pulling out what seemed to be a rat skull. I just stared at the object laying in his hand, hesitant to take it in fear that he had done something to it. "You know, cause you keep all those bones in your room, thought you would want it" He said with a shrug. He was right, I collected bones, it started when I was little and my dad brought home some deer teeth from a hunting trip, after that I was so fascinated with them that I started to collect every animal bone I could find. He taught me to bleach bones too, having learned from doing so with cow skull from his own father.

It was so weird to see him trying to be nice, he was never nice. I slowly took it out of his hand. "Thanks" I nodded slowly, skeptical about the whole situation. Putting the joint back up to his mouth he held on to it with his teeth and after giving me a nod he stood up and walked away. I had never seen him act so strangely, it was almost as if for a second, even a millisecond, Patrick Hockstetter had actual feelings.

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