Chapter 18

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Violets POV

I looked around my room before kneeling down next to my bed. Leaning over, I looked underneath and pulled out the scale. I hadn't weighed myself in a while, not liking the disappointment I felt when I did, but I just had to know. I was wearing only a pair of underwear and my bra, fearing that any additional clothing might contribute to additional pounds.

Slowly I stepped onto it, one foot an then the other. The little metal arrow inside shifted finding my correct weight, before finally stopping. I looked down slowly, terrified of what the contraption might say. 5 pounds. I had gained 5 pounds since the last time I weighed myself. I wanted to kick the stupid scale across the room but I knew that wouldn't help. Must be from all the drinking we had been doing on the weekends, I gotta stop with that shit.

I shoved the scale back under my bed and walked over to my dresser. Pulling open my underwear drawer I began digging threw the panties and bras, trying to reach the bottom. I felt cold plastic meet my fingers and I knew I had found what I was looking for. Wrapping my hand around it I lifted it out of the mess that was my drawer. It was a bottle of Ipecac that my dad had brought home once when belch eat a 3 week old piece of meatloaf he had found in his room. As soon as I found out what it did I knew I was going to steal it once belch felt better. I needed it, just in case.

I walked into my bathroom and closed the door shut behind me, I grabbed 2 towels and put them against the space between the floor and the door so no one would hear me. I pulled off the lid and took the recommended dose, the liquid tasted like shit but it always worked. Cringing from the horrid taste in my mouth I took a few gulps of water from the sink before sitting down next to the toilet. I won't spare you the gory details but I assume you know what happened next.

After my stomach was finally able to settle down I stood up, rinsing my face and mouth off in the sink. Every time I did that I felt a weird since of satisfaction, one that I slowly learned to crave, to need. It like the weight I bare is a burden and getting rid of it is a victory. Leaning against the counter I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. Reaching up I let my fingers meet my exposed collar bone, then my ribs, then my hip. It wasn't perfectly how I would have liked it to look but it was progress.

I almost jumped out of my skin when I heard someone pound loudly on the door. Scrambling I grabbed the bottle of ipecac and shoving it into my bathroom drawer. Picking up the towels I jammed one back into the cabinet, and wrapped the other around my torso to make it look as if I had been getting ready to shower. "Sorry, almost done" I called, fooling around to make sure nothing else was out of place. "Hurry up, Vi." I heard belch Belch complain through the wood. Quickly I unlocked and opened it, Belch quickly shoved past me, slamming the door shut behind him.

Rolling my eyes I walked back to my bedroom, throwing the towel on a hook by my door for later use. Once again I kneeled down next to my bed, pulling out the scale once again. Stepping back in it, the metal springs creaked beneath the plastic top. Looking down at where the arrow had stopped I smiled, much better.

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