Chapter 11

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Patricks POV

Violet sat with her upper body out the window as we raced down the road towards the lake house. A pair of round lensed sunglasses sat on the bridge of her nose as the sun beamed against her face. She sat this way every time we made this trip, it was one of the many reasons I allowed her to sit in my seat on the way. The view was also a big reason.

A pair of well fitted high waisted shorts hugged her body along with a daisy printed cropped tank top. A pack of incense stuck out of her back pocket, she always brought that shit when we came up here. She had convinced herself that there was 'bad energy' in the vacation home and that the incense would somehow get rid of it. I don't believe in that type of shit, and even if I did, I doubt a little bit of smoke was gonna fix it.

The sweet smile now plastered across her happy face was a big difference from the scowl she wore just a few hours earlier when I had woken her up. I had walked into her room and noticed the skirt she had fallen asleep in was in the corner of the room, having been taken off at some point in the night. Her bare legs stuck out from beneath her blanket, her panties on full display. I bit back a groan at the sight before proceeding to wake her up. I ran my hand against her bare midsection before shaking her awake only to be met with an annoyed "get out of my room".

"How much longer" she called out to her brother from outside the window. "Just 20 more minutes" he replied, agitated from being asked that multiple times now. I reached up, setting my hand on the back of her thigh just below the end of her shorts. She looked back at me, pulling her sunglasses down to expose her caramel coloured eyes before turning back around to continue enjoying the sun. She arched her back a bit, teasingly. Goosebumps spread across her skin as she shivered under my touch.

I rubbed my thumb back and forth against her soft skin until we made it into the driveway of the lake house. "Finally" violet groaned, climbing out of the car through the window, in to much of a hurry to worry about opening the door. She sprinted up the driveway and onto the porch, digging through her bag before pulling out a key and jamming it into the door. She struggled with the lock for a moment before pushing the door open and disappearing inside.

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