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Dear future me,
Hello again so a lot has happened since I talked to you last. I just feel like I need to be explain it for myself. The strike is in full force now that Brooklyn has joined, therefore so much is happening so fast. Aunt Medda is letting the boys use here theater as the location for the rally, and to top it all off, Claire and I are doing a performance together. Not at the rally but Freddie is choreographing a piece for us. Claire is singing in it, I am just dancing around. Freddie says it is one of his favorite dances he has done! Haley however is not having fun with the music, she is being a grump about it. I really don't know what is up with her, all I know is that she does not like me. All I asked her to do is cover for Spot and me, I didn't ask her to bury a body! Oh, I am preforming more than I ever have been, I need to so Edith can keep the lodging house running. With the boys on strike, Pulitzer has stopped sending her money to help with the expenses. I make enough each night that it is doable with my money plus the cities weekly check she gets.

The strike has just begun and it is already hard on the boys. All I know is that Spot is a constant and he always will be. I love him and he is willing to wait for me. I cannot see myself with anybody else, and admit all of the hardships around me, I have never been so happy. Which is all that matters. One thing has been proven thoughout this, whatever is thrown at Spot and I we will overcome it. Not only because I love him, but because together we are unstoppable.

Sincerely, past you.

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