Winter Solider

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Y/n had looked at the time as it had just turned midnight on her clock as she was debating on rather she wanted to go to bed or wanted to get a snack. She had laid there for a bit debating on if the snack was worth it since that involved her getting up out of her warm bed.

"Ah fuck it" she says before getting out of bed and heading down stairs.

Her father, Alexander Pierce was also looking for something to drink as the room was dark and the only light that was on were the ones near the front door.

He had reached into the fridge causing the only light to appear in the kitchen as The Winter Solider was staring back at him. Sitting in one of the chairs just fazing at the man being calm and not saying anything, Pierce looked taken back at his arrival but also didn't scream.

"Want some milk" his voice said.

Pierce started pouring the milk into a glass as he was just staring at him once again ready for his orders that were going to be given to him.

" Okay I'm going head home, do you need anything else" Renata, the maid says.

"No, Renata you can go" he says never breaking eye contact.

He takes a seat across from the Winter Solider himself as Pierce was just admiring the master behind it all, from just after this conversation everything would fall in place. Because of this guy right in front of him could make it happen within in a matter of seconds, the glass of milk was just sitting the the table at this point.

"Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century. And I need you to do it one more time. Society's at a tipping point between order and chaos. And tomorrow morning, we're going to give it a push. But, if you don't do your part, I can't do mine. And HYDRA can't give the world the freedom it deserves." he starts to say.

" Sorry I forgot, my purse" Renata says slowly walking into the kitchen.

Renata looking from her boss then towards the unknown man that was sitting across from him, she took a few steps back looking at scared.

"Aw Renata I wish you wouldve knocked" Pierce says before grabbing his gun and shooting her.

Screams had echoed down stairs as y/n was looking around the house comfused then looking at the body that was laying in a pile of her own blood. Y/n covered her mouth lightly feeling sick to her stomach that it was Renata laying there, her shaking body walked towards where the killer was.

"It's going to have to cost you" the winter solider says looking at her dad.


"Dad" her voice says.

The winter Solider turns his gaze towards  the girl that had just walked in the kitchen as he had looked back towards Pierce before looking back at the girl.

"She would do just fine"

He turns around looking at his daughter y/n standing there scared for her life he couldn't hand her over like she was some kind of prize. But this is what will finish everything and be the cherry on top of his little thing that ca be complete, plus he wont hurt her right?

"Dad, what's happening" y/n says walking towards him.


"What do you mean I'm leaving and with him" she starts rambling.

"Who killed Renata" the girl shouts.

Y/n was sobbing at this point as her dad was packing her things as she was freaking out, she didn't want to go with this man that scared the living crap out of her.

"Please just stop" she sobs holding onto his hands.

"I'm sorry princess but it's unfinished business were talking about here" her dad says before packing the last of her things.

She walks out side of the house that she has lived in for her whole  life stepping over the body that had taken care of her all the times where her father wasn't home. The tears never stopped falling off her cheeks as her dad just stood there watching her walk out of his life with no goodbye or hug.

The Winter Solider sat in the car that drove them here as the girl sat right next to him not looking towards him as her body was close towards the door. Her head was looking out the window as it was dark and scary outside, the tears never stopped falling as she now wished she didn't go down stairs to get a snack.

But I guess this was her life now.

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