Highs and Butterflies

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"So guys, that's the lesson for today" said the professor into the mike, as the class started shuffling about he quickly shut them down, "hold on I'm not done yet" an audible 'awww' could be heard in the back. "You guys have a research project due next month and the board of directors has decided to make some changes to the structure of the project, namely, the project is now a team effort, you will work in either a 2, 3 or 4 depending on what project topic you are assigned, the list will be emailed to you later today" he stopped and began packing his own bag, stopping for a second to look at his class that was waiting to be dismissed, "Now booger off" he said as he walked out of the class.

Leno walked down the stares of the large lecture theatre and tried to leave the room as quickly as possible, until he felt a small hand grab his thin arm and spin him around, it was Lucy, what did she want? "What was that about?" She exclaimed, some students turning their head toward where the action was taking place. Leno gave her a confused look, "what are you asking?" He raised one eyebrow and gave her a look to imply that she was going crazy over nothing. Lucy looked around her and saw a small crowd gathering, she became flustered "You-!" She couldn't think of anything to say that would keep her reputation in tact and also put this imbecile in his place.

Lucy quickly exited the room, storming past Leno who looked at the crowd as if he didn't know what was happening either. He enjoyed breaking people... surprisingly.
As Leno walked back to the mansion that he now called home he began thinking about what his actual purpose was in the mistresses plan, if she even had any. Was he just a literal sex toy? Surely she wouldn't pay exorbitant amounts of money just for some sex, as attractive as she was it seemed like she could get any guy in the world with the snap of her fingers, like a dog following its master, males would line up to pleasure her. So why would she pay people?
He looked across the street as he was about to cross at a traffic light and saw a familiar face, the lady waved "Hey, Leno" she said to call his attention as she walked across the road.

"You okay, you kinda ran outta class in a hurry the other day?" She asked with a concerned look, her eye brows clearly furrowed despite the frame of her glasses covering them up. She stepped into his personal space and placed the back of her hand on his forehead, her skin was soft and smooth and it calmed him down. "Yeh I'm fine..." he laughed nervously as he placed his hands on her shoulders to create some space "... it was just a stressful day and I just kinda let my emotions loose, I'm fine now though." He said as the girl stepped back, realising she had invaded his space and blushed a little at her actions.

She kicked the pavement a little as she spoke "w-well, if you want you could maybe... come over sometime and we could..." she made eye contact with him for a second, her brunette hair falling in front of her face "... like hang out?" She nervously bit her lip which made Leno blush as well. "Uhhh, yeh s-sure when are you free?" He asked as he felt a 'bzzzz' in his pocket, he knew that was the mistresses call. "Well, maybe tomorrow? At 5?" She asked, he nodded quickly and began walking "well, I'll see you then!" As he began running, knowing the agreement he made with the mistress meant he couldn't be more than 3 minutes late or he would be punished.

The girl, Lana Fairclough, was confused as the conversation was going so well, she enjoyed speaking with him although their conversations were often awkward and perplexing. They had been for a year, since she developed a crush on him. Although, she seemed to believe the feeling was mutual as she would catch him staring at her at random times. She walked with a pep in her step as she was proud of how she had developed the confidence essentially to ask him on a date. But she did feel a bit off put by the idea of her asking him since guys are usually the more proactive ones. But all's well that ends well.
Leno walked into the main hall of the mansion knowing he was 30 seconds late, "WHERE IS HE?!" He heard an echo come from a distant room upstairs and some more commotion. "We'll find out" someone replied as the footsteps came out of a room and onto the stairway. 2 large men dressed in black suits ran down the stairs before they noticed the scrawny teen. "YOU!" They said as they grabbed him. "You're late!" They said as they picked him up and began walking up the stairs, mistress will not be pleased. He struggled to get out of their grip "Hey! Let go of me, I'll walk!" He said trying to convince them, they didn't listen and instead took him to the room and dumped him on the floor of the boss lady's room.

"Ah, there you are" she said as she took a sip of wine and cleared her throat, she was dressed in red lingerie and was leaning against the bed post of the king sized bed that had black curtain drapes. "Why are you late?" She asked in a slightly angry tone. "I got out of class late, I ran back here as fast as I could" she slammed her wine glass on the floor and quickly approached him. "Do not lie to me boy!" She kicked his face lightly with her bare foot. It didn't hurt but he felt demeaned. "Hey, what was that for?" He jolted up but was quickly pinned down by the guards. The lady looked down at him with her piercing eyes, "you do not revolt against me!" She became even more agitated. "I trust your instructor has taught you about the rules of this mansion." She went back to the bed and laid down as a man who appeared to be muscular began messaging her feet, presumably because she had just used it to teach Leno a lesson.

"Hmmm, what has to be done here?" She said in a disappointed tone, trying to think of his punishment. "Guard number 34, what should his punishment be?" The guard stepped forward from the side of the room, in his bulky figure and responded "perhaps, 45 laps around the mansion?" He suggested, the lady shook her head and placed a finger on her forehead. "What use is that of to me?" She thought for a second, then smacked her teeth and her eyes lit up as if she had just uncovered some great mystery "I know! That job that came in this morning, what was it?" She asked the same guard, "it was a delivery to the west side", she nodded her head, and signalled for the guard to bring the boy to her bed.
The guards took the boy and threw him onto the bed, his head facing her slightly open legs, he could smell a nice fragrance from her that slightly made him hard.

She signalled to the guards to leave with her hand and they all bowed and left the room. She grabbed him by the face and began to bring him closer to her body. Her glamorous lips mesmerised him as he had a flashback to her first kiss with him. "Listen boy, for what you did today I have to punish you..." she ran her fingers through his hair as she rested his head on her boobs, "...otherwise the other will think I have a preference for you" his heart fluttered at her every word she was whispering in his ear, his member became harder as she brought him closer to her. "So be a good boy and do this little job for me?" She kissed his forehead and ran her hands on his back through his shirt, Leno was becoming more and more of her lapdog with every touch, "you'll get a..." she bit her lip before continuing "special reward if you do well" she purred as all of the hormones in Leno's body went into overdrive.

He nodded as words were too much for him to comprehend at this point, she smiled "GUARDS!" She shouted, almost blowing his ear drums. They came rushing in and grabbed the boy, "Tell him what he needs to do" she smirked and took another sip from her wine glass, her formula for turning men into her lap dogs was brilliant and without a fault. Leno suddenly remembered his meet-up with Lana and stopped, "hey, c-could I go somewhere tomorrow for a little while?" He asked subserviently, she became suspicious of him. "Where do you need to go? Our guards will take you", she seemed to be accommodating of his needs, all for the cause she thought. "Just to meet a friend and catch up with her", she raised an eyebrow at 'her', the girl could be a threat. "Yeh sure, what time will you be here? Or do you want to use one of your two days off that you get every week?" She asked, trying to act more as an employer. He thought for a second, "I'll use my one day off!" as he didn't know when he would be back for. she nodded her head as the guards took him away, "You have a license, right?" They asked as they took him outside, he nodded "Yeh I got it last year, not that I've driven much though, why?" He asked as he noticed a guard bringing an Aston Martin super car to the drive way. "Cause you need to deliver that" they said. Leno couldn't move with the shock he had just experienced. "WHAT?!".
I'm back! With a bang? I feel more inspired now and I'm more motivated to write this story. I know a lot of you like different aspects to this story and I'm trying to add different elements to make it as entertaining as possible! I will be updating regularly now so keep your eyes open. Thank you for reading!

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