A Ride

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A Leno rationalised what he was experiencing he had gotten lost in his mind, *BEEEEEP* a truck from behind him sounded as he was snapped backed to reality, with a green light shining in his face. He quickly put his foot down on the accelerator and sped forwards, "Follow the road for 3 miles" said the satnav in a monotone female voice. The boss lady had described this as a punishment for him but he could hardly see the downfall, he was driving around town in an Aston Martin with everyone gawking at him. He was quite nervous about crashing though, so he drove quite steadily, watching out for any potential hazards.

As he neared the destination, it occurred to him that he had no idea where he was going - he had never been to this part of the city before. He had travelled 10 miles from the start location of the mansion and was only a single mile away from the destination. He looked around to see large affordable apartment buildings both built, with clothes hanging off balconies and a mix of music playing loudly out of each room, and ones being built that had work being done on them. The SatNav directed him towards one of these locations and there he saw a group of builders stood at the entrance of the site, seemingly in wait for him to arrive.

He drive into the dusty area that had an unfinished skeleton of a 3 storey apartment complex, building machinery and materials and several dozen workers slaving away in the blistering heat. He parked up in front of the crowd and the crowd surrounded his car. He rolled down his window after one of the more muscular men knocked on his driver side window. "You gonna stay inside there, twinkle toes or are you gonna let us take her for a spin?" The main said in a joking manner. Leno clutched at the wheel tighter as he asked "can I speak to your supervisor?" The men did not like this response, a scowl forming on their faces.

"Disperse!" Shouted a dominant and purposeful female voice. The men suddenly formed two lines at either side of the car door, leaving enough room in between the lines, so that an elephant could walk through. Leno was expecting a tall and strong looking woman who resembled the Boss Lady to walk through the line but out came a small 5'0 slender woman who had blonde hair that was parted through the middle of the scalp and barely touched her shoulders. She wore glasses and a blue suit and skirt than amplified her waist and breast curves. The strutted toward the car and when she reached a meter away from the door she stopped, "Will you get out on your own or must I drag you out?" She exclaimed as the men laughed but then promptly stopped after she fisted the air.

Leno became nervous, "are you Miss. Greeves?". The woman became more frustrated, "do I have to show you ID?" This was enough for Leno as he was clearly out of his depth here he quickly turned the car off and got out of the car, handing the keys to the woman. "Thank you, follow me" she turned and proceeded to strut away from him and Leno obliged. The men looked on behind them and the woman threw the car keys behind into the crowd of onlooking workers, who proceeded to fight each other to get the first turn driving the car. Leno looked back and an image of his pummelled face flashed into his mind as he imagined what would've happened to him if the small Lady hadn't intervened.

As they came to a makeshift office that had a marble table and two swivel chairs the lady put the file she was carrying on the table and took a seat, instructing Leno to do the same. "Right..." she looked down at the open file "... we just have some paper work to do before you can vanish" Leno nervously twiddled his thumbs as he had a question in mind "can I ask why I was asked to deliver a car?" The woman's eyes darted upwards to look at him and she began staring at him for a few seconds. Leno couldn't take this level of intimidation. "Well, it had to be you because you were late but it shouldn't have been you because you're an amateur and there is a certain substance in the boot of the car that is very valuable as well as the car itself being luxurious..." the woman stopped and looked back at the paper to continue writing, her breasts hanging in Leno's view. "... the car and the goods were sold to the highest bidder to one of the Lady's most loyal customer" she stopped and closed the file. "Any more questions?" She asked as Leno could barely understand what was going on, he nodded to not seem stupid as the file was handed to him. "Great, call yourself a taxi and make sure to give that file to one of the superiors at the mansion, good day!" She got up and walked away since she had important matters to attend.
As Leno looked outside the window to the large city that was unfolding before him he thought about how many of the places he hadn't even seen, although he wasn't new to the place, he'd lived here for around 8 months, he hadn't explored much. Maybe due to him studying and working to pay the rent or maybe because his friends didn't invite him out much.

His phone buzzed and he took it out of his pocket to see a note "2 bitcoins have been added to your account", at first he shrugged and put his phone away, not realising what the text signified. A few seconds passed before his eyes nearly popped out of his skull. He quickly googled the value of a bitcoin and realised it was $10,000 each. The rush of adrenaline he had could not be described. He would've had to work for almost a year to earn what he did in 2 hours or so. And this was supposedly a punishment! He was starting to like this set-up.

He arrived outside the mansion and some guards let him in before the Lady's main guard approached him and put his hand out, as if to ask for the file. Leno handed him the file "what do I do now?" The guard grabbed him by the collar and threw him over his shoulder as he strode toward a room, he threw him inside, "same as yesterday, finish your food and then it's time for dessert" he said in a monotone way. Leno looked at the table that was full of food, full filling all the dietary requirements for a person in a week! He sat down on the pristine chair and began to devour as much as he could.

He was living the life, and he couldn't believe the luck he had! Sure he may have done some illegal things here and there but it's all good if you're not hurting too many people... right? As doing circled his mind he finished the last chicken leg and sat back, letting out a burp that he was sure even the neighbouring mansions must've heard. He heard the door creep open behind him and a blonde lady walked through, he turned his head toward her knowing about what came next. The lady walked toward the table and began cleaning the empty plates, loading them onto a trolly, "did you enjoy your meal?" She asked as her plump lips smacked together to form divine words. Leno nodded like a dog under his masters control as the lady stepped toward him, moving her leg up against his crotch. "And what about the ride in the aston?" She placed her hands on his shoulders as a maid drove the trolley away, closing the door behind her.

Leno spoke "Yh I drove smooth as silk, it was beautiful" she ran her fingers along his jawline and lifted his chin to make him look at her "Could you demonstrate how well it rode to me?" She straddled him as he grabbed her ass cheeks, he could feel her breath against his lips as she began to grind against him," I'm a hands on learner by the way" as she ran her hand along his growing bulge that was all too eager to explore her figure. She stood 5'7 with an athletic build, although she had 34C breasts she more than made up for it with her muscular gluteals which rested on Leno's comparatively small legs. She smacked her lips into his and shot her tongue into his mouth like a bullet, the grinding continued as she put her fingers through his hair.

They pulled away for a split second to allow them both to remove their shirts, throwing them into any direction. Leno used what little strength he had to lift the woman up and turned around, walking toward his bed for a few metres before throwing her onto it. He removed his pants before joining her in bed, they moved against one another, Leno finding an opportunity to remove her skirt between making out. Their tongues danced like a salsa routine as Leno snook a hand into her panties, feeling wetness against his hand he began slowly inserting his index finger half an inch into her opening. He noticed her breaths slowing down as she struggled to keep up with him, her hand grabbed onto his left arm for support as he explored her warm insides. "Forgive me..." he held a wry smile on his face "... I forgot to ask your name?", the woman shot him a look as he continued to toy with her, she dug her nails into his arm drawing blood before composing herself a little "Janet!" she let out a scream that signified pleasure before Leno once again took her lips as his own.

He began laying kisses on her neck as he knew this was a sensitive area for women, a mere breath around this era could drive a woman mad with lust. "Hickeys?" He asked the woman who was on another dimension at this point, with Leno finding and playing with her clit. She weekly nodded and Leno began to suck on her neck, leaving behind bruised skin all over her neck.

The door opened before the scene could develop further. The lady walked in wearing a silky red dress before talking a seat on a extravagant chair that was brought in for her. "I would like to judge how much you've grown Leno, work as if I'm not here" the classic words of a boss who had grown tired of an employee. Leno stared at the lady and was slightly off put. Nevertheless, he needed to win her favour if he wanted to keep this dream life. He turned his attention back to Janet who looked exhausted, the pleasure from his fingers had put her in a state of pure bliss. She smiled at him before Leno stated, "forgive me Janet, you may not be able to function properly for a while after this"...
I've been ghosting due to university work, forgive my absence!
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