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When I got to the train station,which was buzzing with a crowd, I watched as Malachi approached me. He was carrying a large suitcase.
"Follow me into the bathroom," he whispered.
I follow him, and he hands me the suitcase.
"My siblings and I have made something special for you this time. It's not like the last one. And we've made it so you can be kept warm and completely dry form the rain. I know it's still a little chilly in March here in Washington and it's still cold in Canada right now. And I know for a fact that will be raining cats and dogs for the next two months."
I nodded, then went to a stall to change.
As I unlatched the suitcase, I could see that the suit was black, and when I took it out, the whole suit was black.
I undressed from my jeans and sweatshirt and slipped on the under-suit (it looked like a plain, black onesie) which was made of a sort of soft mesh. It wasn't skin-tight like the last one (although it was surprisingly comfortable), but it was just fitted. This must be for insulation.
I then took out a pair of black khaki cargo pants, but the material was more stiff than a regular pair would be. There were horizontal slits at the knees. I'm guessing it was for more flexibility.
I took out the zip up jacket made of the same material, and there were two large pockets on both of the arms. There were slits on the elbows. I slipped it on, and it was more fitted than I thought it would be.
There was a black (I'm guessing it's bulletproof) chest plate, and on the back was an embroidered, black cross that reached from top to bottom. I'm glad that the chest plate wasn't so bulky. It was more fitted and thin. It covered almost all of my upper body very well. I clicked the belt with pouches on and laced up the black leather boots that came up halfway to my calf. They were the most comfortable boots I've ever worn. The last thing that was in the box were black, fingerless gloves with padding on the palms.
I put my regular clothes in the suitcase, almost forgetting to take out Kedah's scarf out of the front pocket of my jeans, and unlocked the stall to get out.
I stuffed the scarf in my left arm pocket, and when Malachi looked at me, he smiled.
"It looks great, Julius!"
"I'll say! Thank you very much, Malachi."
"A pleasure."
I followed him out, and he talked to the man at the front desk. I couldn't really hear what they were saying, but then the man gave him one ticket. Malachi handed it to me.
"Make sure you use the code to know if you can trust someone. I'm sure you will need people to do favors for you on your way, and I know for a fact that a lot of people, especially from The Under, want you dead."
The phrase 'The Under' caught my attention.
"The Under? What's that?"
"It's our enemies' main headquarters. That's where Kedah is being kept, but I can't say where it is. I'm only here to guide you through. Your first stop will be Victoria, British Colombia. But the train is headed to Seattle, so I will be waiting for you at the SeaTac Airport there to help you find Mr. Vaughn."
We walked out of the station towards a bench and I took a seat. Malachi kept standing. He stood out form the crowd of people waiting for the train, wearing a very nice suit.
"Mr. Vaughn will be taking me?"
"It's safer that way. I'm sure you will enjoy being with him."
I watched as he adjusted his suitcase and stood up straight.
"There's one more thing I want to give you before I leave."
"You're leaving already?"
Malachi chuckled.
"Yes, Julius. Take this with you."
He handed me a small New Testament Bible.
"It will turn into a steel sword when you say the KING's name."
"Wow... thank you Malachi."
I stood up and we embraced each other. When he hugged me, I felt a warm wave of joy and peace. But it was only for a moment. A good moment. I felt like a little kid again.
When he pulled away, I asked, "What...was that?"
He shrugged.
"Just a part of who I am. It's something that happens when I touch people."
"I see. Guess I'll see you later?"
He nods, then smiles with tenderness.
"Godspeed, Julius."
He turned and walked away, then disappeared without anyone noticing but me.
"Um...excuse me!"
I turn around and see a group of 3 women, all of them flushed and giddy, walking towards me.
Oh, boy. Not again...
One of them, who was wearing a bright red rain coat and carried an umbrella with black polka dots, asked a question so common to me that I almost replied before she finished the sentence.
"You're the Light Julius Jones, aren't you?"
I smiled politely, "That's right."
"Well, I was wondering if my girlfriends and I could take a pic with you? My name is Amber, by the way."
The women behind her squealed, but I pretended not to notice.
"Sure, Amber. It has to be quick, though. My train is-"
"Oh, for sure! Yes, yes, it will be very quick, very quick."
She fumbled with her phone and opened the camera, then handed it to one of her friends. The other two squealed as they watched us.
Amber hugged my side very tight and placed a hand over my chest.
Oh, Good Lord, please help me right now.
I politely put a hand over her shoulder, and I smiled as I heard a few clicks.
Then, one by one, each of them took a picture with me a little too close for comfort.
"Thank you, Mr. Jones! Oh, by the way, you're soooooo gorgeoussss!!!" Amber shrieked.
I waved as they scurried inside, all of them waving their hands around and looking at their phones.
This happens almost every time I go out.
And this is why I haven't been in a serious relationship since Kedah's death.
I tried dating one girl about 3 years after she died. But it turned out she was using me to show me off like a trophy. She wasn't who I thought she was.
It was pretty toxic. Rumors started around the church after we broke up, but all of those rumors and the "relationship" were forgotten about a year later.
After three more years, I decided to try again with another girl. She was pretty and down to earth, but I didn't fully commit to her like I was supposed to. I guess I was just trying to move on from loving Kedah.
Of course it didn't work, and we both ended up very heartbroken (especially her) after the relationship ended.
I never did anything like that again.
Sure, I have had countless ladies who have asked me out, taken pictures with me, and even confess their feelings to me, but a part of Kedah still lingers in my mind and burns in my heart.
As the train pulls up and makes a stop, I watch as the conductor steps out.
He scans the crowd, and when his kind eyes meet mine, he makes his way towards me.
The man looked kind-faced and worn, but his posture was the complete opposite. Poised and mannerly.
"What's thy name?" I asked
He smiled, "Jacob."
I replied, "Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed."
He shook my hand, his grip firm and polite.
"My name is Sedgwick. We have a special place for you, Mr. Jones. Please, follow me."
I obliged and followed, the crowd of people now packed into the train.
We walked to the very front of the train and walked through the open door.
As I entered, two doors that faced each other caught my attention. I heard the train door close behind me.
"The door to your left is your quarters, and in that room is a private bathroom, a small bedroom, and a dining area. The door to your right is the very front of the train. The control area, if you will."
I nod, then thank him for his kindness.
I open the door to my quarters and find that it's the nicest and smallest place I've ever been in.
Immediately, I head over to the room, close the door behind me, unlace my boots as fast as I can, and free fall in my bed.
I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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