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The scars on my back are healing up pretty good.

It was only by the grace of God that I escaped that fire. 

Bryce was with us along with Malachi in the passenger's seat. I was in the back.

When we got to downtown Victoria, Bryce and I met him there waiting for us.

He had another suitcase for us, but this time it was a gun.

For me.

This....well, Malachi calls it 'The Under' way out in the country, buried deep in a forest.

Kelligan Honor Mason has been wanted by the police since his grandfather died.

So here they are following us, anxiously waiting to get their hands on the guy.

"Julius," Malachi started, "there's a lot I have to tell you."

"Oh?" I questioned, "What is it?"

Malachi sighed.

"Before I came here, I was at Brian's house. I felt something was very wrong there, so I got there as soon as I could."

I tensed.

"Are they okay?" I strained.

"Yes, they're perfectly fine. But..."

"But what, Malachi?"

"I shouldn't be the one to tell you this. But she won't have time to-"

"Malachi, just get to the point! What's going on?"

"Turn here, Bryce-"


"Alright! Goodness, sometimes you humans get so impatient."

He shuffled a little in his seat.

"I was visiting Brian earlier because he was almost going to get in a fistfight with someone that visited him."


"Let me explain, child," he interrupted.

I leaned back in my seat.

"A man by the name of Kaiden Robinson came to his house. He said he worked for The Chronicle, which he does, and that he was there for an interview. Mind you that Brian was not in the slightest bit alerted because this man was a Christian. A strong one."

"Okay? And?"

"Well," Malachi continued, "Gad was staying with them for the weekend. When Kaiden saw him, he was in complete shock. Oh, turn at the next left, Bryce."

"Got it," Bryce confirmed.

"Anyway, Brian questioned him about it, and Kaiden told him that he wasn't here for an interview. He told him..."

"Told him what, Malachi?"

He sighed and looked down.

"Kaiden told Malachi that he was looking for his son."

I chuckled.

"And why on earth would he go to my brother-"

"Let me finish."

I kept my mouth shut.

"Brian immediately got very defensive, which is...understandable. But then Kaiden gave Brian a manilla folder with a few...things in it."

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