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"Please, come in."

"Thank you," Kaiden nodded.

I closed the door behind him.

"Have a seat, Mr. Robinson-"

"Oh please," he pleaded as he sat down, "call me Kaide-"

The guy suddenly stopped and looked at...

At Gad.

He blanched, and his bright eyes widened so big I was sure they would fall out and roll right to my feet.

Gad shifted his arms under Sandra and looked down uncomfortably.

"Gad, why don't you take Sandra outside with Charlie and Christina, hm?"

He nodded, then scurried out to the back.

I sat down and glared a little at Kaiden.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Robinson?"

Kaiden shook his head, watching Gad walk out of the room. Then he turned his head to face me, his eyes still wide.

"Brian, I... I'm not here for an interview."

Something sparked in me.

I set my jaw, "Then why are you here?"

He huffs, pulling his hair back.

Then he reached for his satchel and started to pull something out.

I immediately reached behind my back and started to grab the pistol underneath my shirt, but stopped as he pulled out a yellow manilla folder.

He tossed it with a shaking hand on the coffee table in front of me.

"I want you to look at this. Take your time."

Skeptical, I took it and tore it open.

I pulled out a few papers and some photos of....


They were pictures of....Kedah.

A very young Kedah. Next to a boy with....platinum hair and....

I looked up at Kaiden.

"Is this you, Kaiden?"

"Yes sir, it is." He nodded, his eyes beginning to gloss over.

I put the manilla folder down and looked through the pictures.

It was them. They must have been in Junior High, I would say.

At the end of the pile was a stream of about five photos. The ones you can take at the mall in a photo booth.

They seemed very....close...

At the very bottom of the stream, they were...


I furrowed my brows, then put the pile of photos down on the coffee table.

I started to read the papers.

It was....

A birth certificate?


Mother: Kedah Bernstad.
Father: Kaiden Robinson.
Birthdate: July 15.
Gender: Male.

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