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I scooted back and watched as Julius dragged Tee over to a tree. The rain pouring down washed away the blood coming out of his leg.

Julius tied Tee to the tree and gagged him with a piece of his shirt.

Tee groaned as he tied it around his mouth and turned to Julius when he was finished.

He smiled as he looked at me, his eyes tender...

But I could tell there was something wrong.

He glanced again at Tee with disgust.

Julius beckoned me to him, and I slowly walked up to him. Right now was not the time to show affection.

I stood a little ways away from him.

"Tee, is it?"

With a red face, Tee nodded.



All three of us turned to see...


What on earth is she doing here?!

Where did she get that gun?!

"Run! They're coming!"

Julius and I looked at each other, then he took my wrist and sprinted in the other direction.

I felt like we were almost flying from how fast we were running. We almost slipped a couple of times from the mud.

I could hear the faint sound of gunshots going off.

We reached a clearing. Julius pulled me over to a boulder.

We leaned our bodies on it and tried to catch our breath.

Other than our panting and the pouring rain, there was complete silence.

"I think...I think they're gone..."

I nodded profusely.


After a while, our breathing was finally back to normal.

"Stay here for a minute, okay?"

I nodded, then Julius walks out from behind the boulder.

I watch as he points his gun around, his posture tense and alert.

He puts his gun down after a little bit and relaxes.

We glanced at each other, but our eyes stayed locked.

I walk towards him, crossing my arms to try and keep myself warm.

"Well...hi there again..."

I take all of his features in. He was a few inches away from me now.

I fantasized about this exact moment. I would imagine the sun shining, his strong arms embracing me tightly, maybe even lifting me up...
His lips brushing over mine with tenderness....
Some sweet words and small promises exchanged...

But for some weird reason...it just...didn't feel the same anymore...it felt...


I shuffled a little bit. He scratched his neck.

"Hi, Julius..."

We glanced at each other again...

"You look...taller..."

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