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𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 to Bethany Dalton. She lived and breathed dance. Once she tied up her point shoes and her long fingers gripped the wooden bar she pulled her leg up to her head, stretching.

A familiar brown head of hair grasped the bar in front of her.

"I haven't talked to you in a few days." Ella glanced over at her friend, pulling her leg up behind her.

"Well, I've been busy." She rolled her eyes and turned toward the wall mirror, "Have you seen him yet?"

"No," She answered softly, "I haven't."

"Well, he asked about you." She replied.

"He won't be able to come home anytime soon, right?"

"He'll spend a week in rehab then he'll be able to go home. He'll have to attend at least one rehab session a week for a couple months, and a caretaker is scheduled to do a sweep of the house in case he buys more drugs."

"It's good he's getting the help he needs." Ella said as Bethany stumbled a bit, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Bethany shook off the dizziness the came to her head and started her stretching again.

"A-Are you coming to tennis later today?" Ella asked her. Bethany shook her head.

"I'll be busy. Maybe another time."

"With what?"

"We have that history project."

"It's not due for another week." Ella furrowed her eyebrows and Bethany sighed.

"So? I'm not coming today El-"

"Bethany, Elaheh, may I see you in my office." Madame Bisset, the director of Melrose, called from the studio doorway. The other girls stopped stretching and all turned to watch them. Ella glanced over at Bethany before walking out the door.

"Thank you, girls, for joining me today." Madame Bisset folded her hands together. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a strictly tight bun with streaks of gray running through it. Her expression was stern and wrinkles showed when her brows pulled together.

Ella clasped her hands in her lap and paid attention the director, a teacher's pet. While Bethany stares at the spot between her feet, a little unfocused.

"Bethany, are you alright?" Madame Bisset asked. Though she looked tough and had a strict reputation, out of the classroom the well-renowned French director had a soft spot for her dancers.

"What?" She jumped at alert, "Yes, I'm probably just a bit tired. Some personal issues have come up... outside of the classroom. I haven't gotten much sleep."

"Okay, just make sure you're getting the rest you need." Madame Bisset replied and Ella gave Bethany an odd look.

She never noticed it before, but she looked exhausted. While her hair was pulled up in a neat bun and her black leotard was pressed and perfect, the bags under her eyes were dark and her expression was bleak.

"Well, I have good and bad news." The director's face was grim as she glanced between the two girls, "As you know both of you girls are some of the most ambitious and driven dancers I have ever taught. You both really want this role in the next production, and you do anything to get it. Which I admire..." There was a pause, "But a problem has come up that wasn't brought to my attention before. Ella," She looked over at her. Tears prickled at Ella's eyes as she realized what the director was going to tell her, "Because you were seen drinking and abusing substances at a... party per se, you will not be included in this coming production."

"What?" Ella breathed out, her hands gripped the edges of the chair.

Bethany was stunned also. She hadn't actually believed her plan would work, and Ella would get completely kicked off the production.

"I'm sorry, Elaheh, but I do not condone drinking or substance abuse at my company. It is unsafe for a dancer and it affects their performance."

Ella was quiet for a minute. She refused to make eye contact with Bethany. Why was she even here? Did the director just want to embarrass her even more?

"I understand." She said quietly, not wanting to push it any further.

"With that said, Bethany, I am choosing you as our prima ballerina. You have proven yourself worthy at practice and in class and you are due to be rewarded."

Bethany smiles. Her dreams were coming true. The one thing she wanted, the only thing she looked forward to, was being handed to her on a silver platter. It was enough to make her forget about Ella for a second.

"Thank you, Madame Bisset."

"You two are dismissed." The director's eyes lingered of Ella who she knew was trying to hold it together.

If anything it just mad her hate the person who humiliated her even more. How could they do this to her? And who was it? What was she going to tell her parents?

Meili was wrong. Her past was biting her in the ass.


"Don't even, Bethany." She cut her friend off once they left the office and she stormed back to the studio to class.

She found herself reaching for her phone and noticed a strange notification on her phone. That page had been updated. She opened her phone and couldn't believe her eyes.

Meili Chen ruined her life.

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