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Jungkook's eyes slowly open to find an empty void. Darkness encircles him and seemingly muffles his senses, leaving the boy defenseless and scared for what's to come.

A concerned voice breaks the thick silence.

"I hope he wasn't hurt... Where did you say you found him?"

"I already told you, Hoseok hyung. Outside his house." Another voice replies.

"Why the hell would you just bring a random kid here?!" A third voice chimes, making Jungkook flinch at the sudden loud noise. "Oh, look, you woke him up."

"Where the hell am I?" Jungkook shouts at no one in particular, glancing around at his surroundings. He's laying on cold ground in a room void of furniture and decorations, but certainly not void of people. He counts 6 men all older than him and all certainly much scarier than anyone he's seen around their age. Jungkook's eyes land on one member in particular. Nothing strikes him as interesting, exactly, but something about him seems familiar. "You!" Jungkook screams, scrambling up and launching himself at the man.

"Hey! Woah woah woah!"

Jungkook feels a harsh pressure around his wrists before being yanked backwards.

"You were there! You helped them take my parents! You spray painted my walls!" Jungkook screams, fighting his captor with all of his might.

"Excuse me?" The man replies, causing Jungkook to still. He studies his facial features, noticing subtle differences between the man in front of him and one of the men he saw at his house. His lips are fuller and his hair is a different color and style, contrary to the silver undercut the mafia member at the house had, as well as his general demeanor. He doesn't seem threatening in the slightest; in fact, he seems just as scared as Jungkook himself.

"I-I'm sorry... You looked like one of the guys that trashed my house last night."

"It's alright. I'm Jimin, by the way," he smiles, holding out his hand for Jungkook to shake. The person holding Jungkook back slowly lets him go to shake Jimin's hand. Each person took turns introducing themselves as Jungkook made mental notes of each.

Yoongi has the mint hair and resting bitch face as well as being inseparable from Jimin. Namjoon is literally a giant with good hair and dimples. Never give Seokjin shoulder pads, his shoulders are wide enough already. Hoseok is gonna get wrinkles from smiling so much. Taehyung is cute, but he doesn't smile nearly as much as anyone else in the group. Jimin's the shorty with the pink hair always around Yoongi, they're pretty much a package deal.

"Okay... now what exactly is going on here?"

Namjoon looks around at each of the men quickly before looking back at Jungkook, seemingly getting silent confirmation from each person before speaking.

"You encountered a mafia group last night. Taehyung was lucky to be in the area when he found you. I'm not sure what could've happened if he wasn't, but I can assure you that it wouldn't have been good."

Jungkook stands silent as he lets Namjoon's words sink in. I could have died... those guys are dangerous.

"Are you guys part of a mafia, too, then?"

Namjoon simply nods. "We are Bangtan."

Jungkook takes a moment to look around while hiding his every desire to run as far away as possible.

"How do I know you won't just kill me?" He pathetically squeaks, shrinking in on himself from the sheer embarrassment of his own voice.

"We aren't gonna kill you, we saved your ass." A voice calls from a nearby wall. Jungkook follows the sound of the voice and is greeted with the sight of Taehyung leaning against said wall, his back pressed against it with his arms folded over his chest. Before Jungkook could say another word, Taehyung makes his way towards the boy, giving him a quick glance up and down. Scared out of his mind, Jungkook looks down, suddenly interested in his shoes. Taehyung takes a hold of the younger's chin and lifts it ever so gently to meet his eyes. The two are so close that Jungkook can see every detail on Taehyung's honey skin. Flawless. "Unless you give me a reason to kill you."

The frightening threat sends a chill down Jungkook's spine as he involuntarily shivers and gulps. He watches as a smirk spreads across Taehyung's face; he curses himself for internally swooning.

Something about him is just so... I don't know. Attractive. Alluring.

"Lay off the poor kid before he shits himself, Tae. He looks like a tiny dog after you just kicked him for Christ's sake."

"I was only having a little fun with our guest, hyung," he replies without moving the slightest, his eyes still locked on Jungkook's and his hand still gently holding his chin.

"Then have fun by leaving him alone."

Taehyung removes his hand from the younger's chin before letting his gaze linger on Jungkook's eyes.

What is he doing...?

Taehyung turns the opposite way, sparing a glance back at Jungkook before disappearing down a hallway.

"What's his deal?" Yoongi scoffs, his arm slinking around Jimin's waist as the other presses himself closer to Yoongi's side.

"No idea. He's acting weird."

Seokjin and Namjoon exchange an unreadable look, Seokjin being the one to speak up first. "He acts strange when he's hiding something."

Jungkook crosses his arms, sighing angrily. "Can anyone tell me what the fuck is going on?!"

Everyone hushes their conversation due to Jungkook's sudden outburst. All eyes are focused on him and some eyebrows are quirked up in surprise at the previously shy guest.

"Come with me, Jungkook. I'll tell you everything you need to know."

"How in the..." He knows my name.

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