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"Jungkook, please, ca-"

"How DARE you fucking kidnap me, hold me hostage, and expect me to believe that my PARENTS were involved with a fucking mafia gang or whatever you want to call it!"

"JEON JUNGKOOK!" Namjoon slams his hand on his desk, standing at his full height and glaring down at the younger boy. "You need to keep a level head. I don't care how much you think you know your parents. The fact of the matter is that they are affiliated with a high profile mafia group within this city. You are known in our little world because of your parents. I've gotten word about a young Jeon set to join them in the mafia soon."

The leader is clearly fuming in anger, his fists balled up on his desk, yet his expression is collected. He quirks his eyebrow upon mentioning the future of the boy in front of him that the boy didn't even know himself. Jungkook clenches his jaw and bites back another snarky remark, hiding his trembling hands behind his back.

"I know this isn't what you want to hear, or even what you expected to hear. But right now, you're under my rules, an-"

"I don't have to listen to you, I barely know you!"

Namjoon's hand once again makes harsh contact with the desk; the noise is loud enough to make Jungkook visibly startled.

"If you go out there, you'll die! People have heard that the leaders of Jax have been taken and they will stop at NOTHING to kill you! You're in this deeper than you think, so sit down and listen!"

Biting his tongue once more, Jungkook slowly takes a seat in a chair across from Namjoon's desk. The leader unclenches his fists and sits as well, folding his hands on his desk, a glittering light reflecting off of a finger on his left hand.

"I didn't mean to snap at you so harshly. The members of Bangtan and I take losses very seriously; we've had severe losses of our own. I'm well aware how unacquainted you are with us, and us with you, so let me elaborate. We've known your parents for a while and we've even worked with them. Knowing this, you can understand why we'd be quick to defend you, our ally's next generation. Losing Jax would affect us greatly. By keeping you alive, we are keeping them alive as well. Please understand the importance of your life and the importance of your cooperation with Bangtan."

Jungkook takes a stunned breath, trying to somehow drink in all of this new information.

"So you need me... and you need them?"

Namjoon simply nods. "I know this is a lot to take in. You can take as much time as you need to in order to process this information. We are very family-based here in Bangtan, and even if we just met you, we will care for you like our own family. Your parents have done so much for us and the least we can do is keep you alive and well."

Jungkook sits in silence for a while just listening to Namjoon's pen dance across some paper. He leans down with his elbows pressed against his thighs, placing his head in his hands. A sudden dizziness washes over his entire being. Jungkook lifts his head slightly in hopes of somehow supporting himself with the assumption that too much blood rushed to his brain, his face still in his hands.

He doesn't even feel his body hit the floor.


Jungkook's eyes slowly peak open, finding the same void as before. Only this time, the empty void fades into an old bedroom. By the look of it, it was untouched for a long time. Everything felt perfectly still and eerie.

"Oh, good, you're awake. We thought you had a seizure or something, but Jimin said you just fainted from chemical inhalation, but that doesn't make any sense because there aren't any chemicals here. But like what if there were and we didn't know? I don't know but I trust Jimin because he's really smart, he works with the injured and tends to-"

"For the love of god, please shut up before my head explodes." Jungkook mutters loud enough for his surprise visitor to hear.

"Oh, I'm sorry... I just found it odd. Anyways, did you smell anything funny in Joonie's office?"

The younger boy slowly shakes his head before turning it to look at his visitor. Seokjin is seen sitting at the desk in the time-frozen bedroom a few feet away from the bed Jungkook is lying on.

"I didn't, I just kept my face in my hands. Namjoon-nim told me everything."

Seokjin visibly smiles at the boy's change in demeanor. He's starting to respect us.

"May I see your hands?"

Jungkook gives him a funny side-eye glance but reaches his hands out to the older. Seokjin stands and makes his way to the bed, bending down to look closely at Jungkook's hands. He carefully inhales, immediately dropping the boy's hand and stepping back and taking a seat on the desk chair once again.

"Yep. Chloroform. You must've touched a large amount to keep it on your skin for so long."

"So long? What time is it?"

"Well, we brought you here around 12:45 in the morning and you talked to Joonie until about 1:15, and then passed out, so we brought you here into Jimin's room. I left you in here and you slept the whole night. I'd say it's about ten in the morning." Seokjin rambles, fiddling with his hands in his lap, causing a shimmer to catch Jungkook's eye. A second ring.

Jungkook sighs and massages his temples in a vain effort to transform everything back to normal. Just when I thought summer break was going to be easy and relaxing.

"Why are you guys so nice to me? I know you have to keep me alive and all because of my parents, but that doesn't mean you have to be nice. Just give me my basic needs and I'd be fine."

Seokjin shakes his head, dismissing his words. "Your parents are like family to us. We are very family-based here in Bangtan and we are all very close. As close as we are, though, work comes first."

"Is that why you and Namjoon-nim aren't married, just engaged?" He blurts suddenly without missing a beat. The next few silent seconds give Jungkook a chance to freeze at what he said, unable to take it back.

"You're a smart one. Sadly yes, that is the reason. It's dangerous to be married or even in love when you're in a mafia; it gives an enemy potential leverage against someone. Neither him nor I wear our rings when we go outside of the base. I don't want him hurt and he doesn't want me hurt."

Jungkook once again finds himself absorbing information. He'll have to start getting use to the normal, and fast. He quite literally could die if he doesn't.

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