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Much to Namjoon's chagrin, Yoongi leads the group down the stairway and into the subway. The underground system also reflects the state of the city: ignored and unloved. Cracks and weeds overrun the stairway leading underground, along with countless scrawls of graffiti practically overruling the cement walls. Most phrases all run together; there is too much writing to find a legitament word.

Jungkook slowly trails behind Taehyung with a pistol in his hand (Namjoon insisted that he carry it for intimidation purposes, at the very least). The weapon sits awkwardly in his hands and draws his attention more than necessary. The frustrated man shifts the pistol around in his hands long enough to miss the fact the group has come to a stop. He collides with Taehyung's back, mumbling a quick apology before stopping in his tracks.

What they entered was, in fact, not entirely a subway station; at the very least, it was nearly finished recently and never used. No man can see any sign of weeds, overgrowth, trash, or neglect in the station at all. There aren't even any signs of tracks for the subway itself. Yoongi shakes the shock off quickly, whereas Hoseok and Namjoon take in every detail of this new place. Jungkook stands by an unphased Taehyung who watches the others in amusement.

"Where the hell are we? What is this place? Why is it so clean?" Yoongi interrogates no one in particular.

"Ateez's base," Taehyung speaks up, placing his pistol in the holster at his hip.

Namjoon looks at him curiously, taking a moment before replying, "how do you know?"

As a response, Taehyung jerks a thumb to the left of him. All eyes follow his gesture, leaning to look at the remaining section behind the stairway; they land on a flag hanging above where the subway tracks would lie. It is a pale grey color with bold orange text reading "ATEEZ." A few feet farther left lies a wall of plywood with a door shape cut out of it, the cut-out piece is attached by hinges to the rest of the structure.

The group heads towards the stairs they used, walking passed them and making their way towards the plywood wall. They make it about half way between the stairs and the tunnel entrance when Namjoon's walkie-talkie breaks the eerie silence with Seokjin's voice.

"You're getting closer to him. I don't want to panic you, but it looks to me like he's being kept in the subway tunnel near the tracks. I'm afraid something may happen to him."

"Don't worry about it, there are no tracks in sight," Namjoon explains, taking out a burner phone and snapping some pictures. "I honestly think we should head back and come up with a full plan before trying anything."

"WHAT?!" Yoongi shrieks, storming up to Namjoon and thrusting a finger in his face. "WE CAME ALL THIS WAY TO GET HIM. I AM NOT LEAVING WITHOUT HIM."

Namjoon doesn't flinch. He simply looks Yoongi in the face, pausing before speaking. "If you want him back safe, I suggest heading back to the warehouse to discus a plan of action."

Before Yoongi could reply, Hoseok races towards the group, shoving them each in turn hastily towards the stairs.

"Run, hide!" he hisses, his voice as hushed as he can make it. Jungkook stands bewildered as the group rushes to the stairs. He finds himself frozen as he hears the plywood door burst open and hit the wall, unable to force himself to follow the group and hide.


That small voice is all it takes for Jungkook to snap out of his frozen trance and glance at the door. Standing there, her hair strewn every which way and her face a bruised mess, is Jungkook's own mother.


Jungkook lunges towards the door, dashing two feet forward before being suddenly yanked backwards. He screams out to his mother, only to find a hand clamped tightly over his mouth. Arms flung out in desperation, he watches as his mother is pulled back inside the tunnel, screaming "NO! MY BABY! LET ME GO!"

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