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"Even after all of this shit, I'm resilient."
Princesses Don't Cry CARYS


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RIVER EVENTUALLY FOUND HER WAY HOME from the Cameron's. Even though she hated her own house, she did enjoy the peace and quiet of her own room. She also particularly enjoyed the aesthetic of her own room. She liked being able to lie down on a bed that was all hers and only hers. The soft white comforters always seemed to be the most forgiving.

"I'm surprised you're actually home," River's mom burst through the, clearly shut, door. She eyed the young girl up and down, clearly not liking her fashion choice, "Well, that doesn't matter. Mr. Crest and his fiance are coming over for dinner, so I need you to go somewhere else."

"My pleasure," River said as she rolled over, her voice muffled by the fluffy blue pillows. She hated hearing his name, but she couldn't do much about it. Mr. Crest was her dad's best friend, and his new fiance is starting to become her mother's go-to. The only thing on River's mind, however, was the fact that someone was actually marrying that grotesque monster - probably just for the money.

Her mom looked at her for a few more moments before slamming the teenagers door shut, exiting the room in a hasty manner.

Seconds later, River pulled out her phone and sent Sarah a quick text. Obviously the girl asked Sarah if she could spend the night since her mom was very clearly kicking her out for the rest of the day. Sarah replied in a quick manner as always. Even though she asked, River knew the answer. Sarah was always open to having her best friend spend the night. However, tonight was a little different. Everyone was meeting up at the Boneyard, and that meant River had to tag along as well. Although she was upset, River begrudgingly agreed before she began packing a bag to bring to Sarah's. 

In River's mind, the faster she moved the faster she got to leave her own house - so she moved at the speed of light. After changing into a basic outfit, she grabbed her bag and marched out of her house. Within minutes she was on her bike, heading down a couple streets to Sarah's house.

Upon her arrival she saw Sarah sitting on her porch alongside Topper. Sarah told River to throw her bag in her room so they could head off to the boneyard. With an agreeable nod, River found herself walking into the Cameron's house alone. For some reason, she didn't feel at peace being here at this point in time. It was an odd feeling, like River knew something wrong was happening. Without thinking too much into it, she shook it off and made her way into Sarah's room. She placed her bag on the floor next to Sarah's bed. With one quick look around, she walked out of her best friend's room.

River walked down the grand stairs of the Cameron household, before she ended up walking past her Rafe's door. She noticed his door was cracked open - just barely. Big mistake, Rafe. With her head slightly pressed against the door, she could see and hear what was going on. What she saw was that horrid bitch from her chemistry class last semester. What was her name? River sighed, knowing it obviously wasn't relevant enough for her to remember.

"Listen, you can't tell River about this. It was a mistake," River could hear Rafe's voice as clear as day.

Interesting, she thought.

"But you enjoyed it, didn't you?" The blonde smirked, leaning closer to what River could see of Rafe.

She could hear Rafe laugh, "Of course I enjoyed it. It was a hell of a lot better than anything River does."

Ouch. But did she really care? The only reason hearing this conversation hurt River is because she thought Rafe was changing. He told her he loved her, and then proceeded to cheat on her? And compliment the bitch?

A stray tear fell down her cheek, and as quick as it came - it dropped to the floor.

Turning away from the door, River made her back into Sarah's room. She had no care or emotion left for the rich prick. She didn't really like him all too much anyways. She sat on Sarah's bed before sending out a quick text to Rafe. If he was going to cheat on her, he didn't deserve an honest breakup. Within a minute of sending the text, she got a reply.

You're not breaking up with me.

River huffed, "Seems like I am."

River fell back onto Sarah's bed. Almost immediately she heard Rafe yelling some stupid shit throughout the house, and seconds after that? Sarah barged into the room.

"What the hell is going on? Why did you break up with Rafe?" Sarah was frantic, clearly in response to her brother's childish behaviors.

"He slept with that girl I hated from chemistry class," River didn't bother looking towards Sarah, she just continued looking up at the ceiling.

"That dick," Sarah sat down next to River on the bed, "I'm going to kill him."

Published:  Wednesday, April 22 (2020)

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