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"Stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you."
Stay Away, MOD SUN (feat. Machine Gun Kelly and Goody Grace)

The ride home from the Sheriff's station was the definition of awkward

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The ride home from the Sheriff's station was the definition of awkward. Her parents never let a single world slip out of their mouth, and River waited in anticipation for what would come once they reached the quiet walls her parents home. Within minutes, the car made its way up the winding driveway of the Lock mansion. The only sound to be heard was the slamming of the car doors, and River knew this was her cue to get out of the car and follow her parents inside.

As soon as the front door was shut, her mom immediately began screaming, "What the hell were you thinking? I thought Topper was your friend. I mean — isn't Sarah your best friend? How do you think she feels? She's been a wreck ever since you left. But, you don't care. All you care about is yourself. Your brother would have never acted this way."

Those words only fueled the hatred River had for her parents, "Don't even bring him into this, and don't start acting like you care. You've never cared about either of us. All you care about is your reputation. The only reason you had kids was to fit in with all of your rich friends."

"Young lady," Her dad stepped forward, his face getting redder by the second, "That's the last time I ever hear you disrespect you mother and I's parenting choices. We had you both because we wanted kids. And look what we got? You and your brother. But, sadly? Sadly the only one who was a good example of his family is dead."

"Fuck you," River seethed, letting a tear slip down her cheek. Any mention of Rowen, especially by her parents, brought tears.

His face grew even redder as he marched even closer to River, and within a second he brought his fist to the brunettes cheek. The blow caused River to fall into her mothers favorite vase. The vase shattered as it fell to the floor. Her mom shrieked after seeing the collision, but her only concern was her precious vase. She didn't care that her husband followed River to the ground, inflicting more pain upon the fragile girl. He was practically turning her into a pulp. Eventually, he became tired; apparently in his head this was the only way to get River to understand him. The man, who River no longer thought of as her father, walked away with his arm around his wife's shoulder — leaving a broken River on the floor.

River laid on the cold floor for a few minutes before she finally mustered up the strength to get up. She managed to avoid her parents as she crawled up to her room. Closing the door behind her, she rummaged through her closet to find what she needed right about now. She put on a tattered baseball sweatshirt, formerly Rowen's, and slipped on some shorts. Putting her favorite sneakers on, she once again sneaked out of the house. She didn't know exactly where to go, but she knew she had to talk to someone. Of course, River didn't really know how she would explain the bruises littered over her body. However, she would only really need to explain the one on the right side of her face, or the only visible one.

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