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"Instead of making me feel bad for the body I got, just teach him to keep it in his pants and tell him to stop."
Strawberry Shortcake, Melanie Martinez

"Strawberry Shortcake, Melanie Martinez

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"That's the whole truth?"

"Whole truth, swear to God," JJ was stammering, looking towards the deputy.

"I know what you think, damn it," He waved his arm at JJ, looking towards Pope, "I'm asking Pope."

Pope looked between the group of people surrounding him, instantly feeling guilt wash over his body, "Yeah, that about covers it."

The deputy grabbed his handcuffs, about to cuff the blonde Pogue when an all too familiar voice rang out from behind him, "You're seriously going to believe any of them? That's cute."

JJ was immediately shocked when he heard the voice, the voice of River — the girl who left. But, now she's back. JJ turned around to finally look at the girl who left him on the side of the road, and wow, did she look different. It was only a few days of her absence, but it looked as if those days took a toll on her. He could smell her from where he was standing, she smelled like... cherries and cigarettes? She looked tired, and she looked as if she didn't have a care in the world.

"River Lock," The deputy shook his head, laughing a tiny bit, "You expect me to believe that you sunk the boat?"

"Yeah?" River rolled her eyes, allowing attitude to roll off her tongue, "It was me. Topper's an ass."

"You're not going to believe her, right? Are you kidding —"

"Shut the fuck up, JJ," River tossed her hair over her shoulder, holding her hands out to the officer, "You gonna arrest me yet?"

"Are you sure you want to take the blame for these Pogues?"

River let out a hearty laugh, "Take the blame? No way. I'm not letting them take credit for my work."

"Your parents have been worried sick looking for you,"

"I'm sure they have," River did the typical bitch stance, rolling her eyes and looking at her nails, "I'm also sure they've been eating up all of the attention they've been getting. Seriously? Wah-wah, my son was murdered and now my daughter runs away? The best part is everyone believing they actually care."

"You've changed," The deputy looked disappointed when his eyes met River's. Ignoring the pleas from the crowd behind them, he cuffed River. River sent JJ one last smirk before the deputy gently pushed her into the back of his cruiser.


River spent her days away from the town in the home of a drug dealer, a very special drug dealer. The one that killed her brother. Well, the one that shot the gun. She blamed her brothers death on Rafe, 100%. Some may call her stupid for that, but she didn't care. She hated Rafe, and she hated everything about him. When they were together, everything was always her fault. That's how it always goes though, isn't it? Especially those ninety degree days where River chose to wear shorts so she wouldn't die from a heat stroke or something, and Rafe decided those clothes were just too tempting for him to handle. I mean, why would you wear something like that if you didn't want it, right? She was asking for it, right?

River had plenty to think about over her little vacation with this dealer. Her hatred for Rafe doubled, and now she just wanted him dead. She wanted him to suffer, she wanted him to feel karma. It wasn't her priority to hide her body anymore, because the next time someone tried to touch it — she would kill them. She promised that.

She passed every minute with cigarettes and weed, and drowned out the flavor with alcohol. She was completely letting herself go, and she didn't give a shit about it.

Over those couple days, River found herself getting extremely close to Kyle. Too close for her liking. But she knew she had to stop hiding from people, at least at some point. So, she told Kyle everything. Everything she felt, everything that has ever happened to her, everything about her parents, everything about her friends, and everything about her life in general. Funny enough, Kyle was the reason that River jumped on the first bus back home. Kyle told the young girl that he thought there was something going on between her and JJ the second he saw the pair together. It even made River believe what JJ said was actually true. And that's why River returned to her fucked up little town.


A few mug shots and questions later, River was sitting in a cramped jail cell all alone. She didn't really regret her decision, seeing as she knew her parents would bail her out. And it gave River immense pleasure to know that this small act would damper her parents image by even the slightest bit.

Soon enough, an officer was letting River out of the cell. River followed the man until she was met by the glares of her parents. But since people were staring, her mom pulled her into a hug, "I'm just glad you're back, you're never leaving my sight."

River giggled, noticing the look of disgust on their faces. The cigarette smell must've been too much for their proper noses.

Her dad grabbed her by the shoulder, pulling her out of the police station. River knew what would be coming when she got home, and she really didn't care too much.

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