Chapter 1

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Do you ever wish that you could just snap your fingers and everything would be right?  Well I do, I'm Shelby Wynter and I live with my two mean stepsisters and my "evil stepmom". 

 My dad died due to an accident and now I'm stuck with them. 

You see I have no reason to be upset, I mean I live in a rich castle which is great, but I sleep in a dusty old basement.

 I'm an average 14 year-old girl just looking for a purpose in life and a place where I belong while also terrified because after summer I start 8th grade which is scaryyyyyyy!!

 You see I have a huge imagination and I believe that beyond this world that there's a place that I belong and everyone is free to be who they are. 

 My sisters though just say that I belong in a basement and I'll always just be a simple girl. 

Now for my understanding simple girls don't just mops floor, clean the bathroom, polish the stairs, you know every girl's worst nightmare;

 Except this wasn't a nightmare this was my boring, no excitement, plain old life. 

 Don't worry it gets better it isn't always gonna be like this. Read the rest to figure out how my life changed forever!!

" SHELBY, SHELBY, SHELBY, SHELBY!!!" what, what's happening" You over slept and my party is in 7 hours !!! 

Now get out of bed, and fix me some breakfast and get down here, NOW!! ( Speaker beeps and turns off) 

Well at least I'm not alone, I have my best friend to live my life with, Avery. My best friend reminds me to not let my stepmom or my mean stepsisters Myla and Mia to get in my head and ruin my life.

 My dad always told me that if he just looked in the mirror that he saw a beautiful and brave girl who has a great future coming ahead. 

Now at this rate I would need more than a mirror to change this night and life all around. Tonight is my stepmoms party celebrating her winning some award(or something like that). 

 Everyone was invited to our "castle " for the party, even Avery will be there!! 

Although, as usual as y 'al heard I will be the before and after cleaning crew of the party all night. 

Having Avery there always makes it better. Like when my dad died, she was the first one to come over and bring me his homemade brownies. 

Avery is like my sister since my real, fake,  ( sighs) stepsisters don't quite treat me like a sister. 

Well I'd better get back to my stepmom but don't go yet, this story has just begun. 


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