Avery and Me

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" Mom are you sure about this, don't you think that this is a bit to much I mean It's, It's, It's just to fancy. " Oh Avery there's no such thing, now smile and act like your royalty. " Okay" 

" Hi I'm Avery, and you probably have heard of me from Shelby my best friend since I was born." I live in a mansion and have 1 sister who's younger than me but she's pretty bossy. Although she's 8 so who can blame her. My mom owns a fashion line called Crystal's diamonds and we got millions of dollars from our latest fashion and our last fashion show was our money maker." Enough about me, let's get to the party." " I got it Marri'e It's probably Avery" " Okay Shelby as long as you don't get finger prints on the handles." " I won't" " Avery!!" Shelby!! " It seems like forever", I know right. " Avery that dress is beautiful is that the one that you made?" Yep." 

(Avery's dress)

It's beautiful Avery," thanks Shelby,'' Where's your dress," Oh my dress, you mean the one that I sent you a picture of

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It's beautiful Avery," thanks Shelby,'' Where's your dress," Oh my dress, you mean the one that I sent you a picture of. " ya that one" Ya well that one won't get to be worn", why,'' because Marri'e says that I have to clean up during, and after the party until she can see her reflection in the walls." " Well I brought some stuff to decorate your room" " really!! " Yeah I mean when the last time that, that room got some DIY are style. " " I can't wait let's get started. " Shelby did you hear that?" Oh yeah sorry my mirror has been acting out lately really weird right" " Yeah almost as if" " It's, ( both at the same time say) MAGIC! " What did Marri'e say whenever you first moved here," " she warned me about the mirror she said that the people who owned the house went on a wild adventure" " but then she fell on the floor laughing and then took an hour getting back up" " Ha ha'', " Shelby what if it's true, what if there's like a-a- another world behind the mirror" " Avery I think your onto something." " Wait what if it's not behind the mirror but in the mirror," " Huh?" " Well earlier today my mirror kept on flashing colors like as if something in the mirror was trying to tell me something," " I don't know but we will have to come back to this because it's almost time for dinner and you know how are parents get if were not on time" " Yeah we better hurry before it gets to late." 

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