The answer to the mirror

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Okay everyone please take your seats it is time for the annual Wynter feast.    I hope that y'all are hungry because chef Jullie prepared this amazing dinner for us. Well don't get all fueled up on this because we have delicious desserts coming right up after dinner. " Wow Shelby did you make all of this with Jullie" " Well actually Avery, Chef Jullie was really busy, I made the desserts because I was also cleaning, baking, and making the twins dresses so I could only do so much. Hey Avery," "Yeah Shelby', " What do you say we take this and eat it in the sweet treat café just a couple of floors down. " " That sounds awesome and plus it will just be us to and know one else to boss us around." Let's go!!

Wow this café looks amazing, I can't believe that you managed to do all of this in such a short amount of time.  I hope that they like my desserts," oh Shelby if you made them then they're as good as a blooming flower on a sweet sunny day. " " Aww thanks Avery you always know what to say," it's my job to be my best friend's best friend. " Hey Shelby what do you say that we clean up our dinner, get some dessert, and head upstairs to your room." " Okay Avery but we need to be quiet and fast, if anyone sees us especially Marri'e then she won't let me go outside of my room until I have a house of my own." " Okay let's go." " We did it and this bread is AMAZING!!" Aww thanks, I love how much recces penut butter cup cake turned out it's like the candy in my mouth times 100!" " (Mirror glows again) " Ahh" What what's wrong Avery?" Shelby look y-y-your mirror just glowed and then it changed colors?" Again, that's like the fifth time or something I think that there's something that I should know." Yeah like some sort of world message" Avery that's it!" "What what's it?" My dad warned me about my mirror he said that my greatest adventure for a whole new world is yet to come. " " Shelby look when I put my hand through the mirror it disappears!" What let me see" Whoa that is weird" Maybe we should try stepping inside, no one will notice that were gone, and plus it will only be for a minute." Okay Avery but we have to be quick because I don't want Marri'e to find out that were gone." " Come on Shelby let's go!" " Whoa 

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