Chapter One - The Day of the Chosen

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The chimes rang as someone walked through the door. It echoed throughout the restaurant and it suddenly turned a couple heads around to see who walked in. Seeing that it was no one important, each and every person looked towards their meal and began to eat once again. Talking to those who were near them and even working on their devices while sitting alone. Many places of exotic foods came around and circled the guests who waited patiently, but something was different. A man walked around with a large plate filled with meals and he steadily placed it on a table he carried around by his side. Dressed in a long sleeved, white, buttoned up shirt, with a stunning black vest placed above and finally a black bow tie around his neck. Stopping just at the side of their table, the three women sitting elegantly squinted at him. Taking in a deep breath, "Looks like we got a signature steak dish  sided with mashed potatoes and broccoli. Then we have a half rack of ribs with the same sides and one of our spicy steak dishes with the same sides. Pulling at the sides of her red blazer, she stood up vigorously and pointed at the waiter.  "Wow, so you look great but your waiting skills are absolute dog shit. You got all of our orders wrong. It's with a side of CHEESE broccoli, not just regular!" Worst waiter ever. Let me see your manager." Everyone dropped what was in their hands and turned around quickly to see an old lady yelling at a young man. Looking her dead in the eye, the waiter grabbed the entire plate of food and threw it onto their table. Metal clanging, food splattered everywhere onto their nice clothing. Grabbing a hold of his bow tie, he grabbed his name tag and held it up high. It read "Carlos", but he continued by taking a deep breath. "You bitch."

Hearing these words slip out of his mouth almost forced the other two women to stand up. Once
they did, only the anger on their faces could express the hate they had towards Carlos. Closing her red blazer slowly, she steadily walked towards him and stood before him, "What the hell did you call me?! I could have fired you right now you useless joke of a waiter!" Pointing her finger in his face angrily. "You heard me. I didn't stutter one bit. You... a bitch! I quit! You hear me?! I quit!!!" With every word he slowly unbuttoned his vest and finally tossed it to the floor but once he said the word "quit", three guys came out around the corner with bright smiles. Carlos backed away and joined these guys, "These are my friends and we're leaving this forsaken town. This is Gareth, my best friend. Anthony, our skinny, spider boy. Then Luis, the SNORLAX." Giving them a fist bump in order, Carlos's smile grew brighter with each one. Starting with a thin guy wearing an army suit, then heading off towards a skinny guy with glasses and finishing it off with one of his friends who was bigger than him in size. Luis walked forward and cleared his throat, "That's because you're fucking gay, you homosexual bitch!" From behind them, Anthony began to mumble, "I think this is how the holocaust started." Thinking that this was going too for, Carlos pulled them both back, but Gareth jumped forward and pumped his fist into the air. "We're starting the fourth reich... I'll decapitate the abominations in the name of jes-." Before he could finish his statement, Carlos picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. "Peace." They all walked out together towards a large, purple, beat up truck which another of their friends were driving in. "Let's go before she explodes!" He spoke out loudly as they jumped into the back. It was bombarded with many suitcases and bags filled with various things. "Angel! Hit the gas." Carlos spoke out confidently but regretted his decision as Angel, the driver, slammed on the gas and accelerated up to ninety miles per hour near a playground. Even if they were basically in danger, they left Las Vegas with bright smiles on their faces and new lives to fulfill, but they never expected what was coming next.

As they drove away from their hometown, Angel kicked up the speed and began to drive at a
maximum speed of 125 miles per hour on the highway, but suddenly as he reached for his classic Mcdonald's Hot and Spicy Chicken Sandwich with no lettuce, something caught his attention and forced him to stop as soon as he could. Breaking at his speed was unheard of but the truck smoothly slowed down safely. The boys jumped out of the back seat, and Carlos spoke out first, "What happened? Why'd we stop? California is only an hour away." Angel was hypnotized and didn't say a single word as he walked away from his friends. Though this caught them off guard, the weather above them unexpectedly changed from a clear sky to a dark storm with cold rain falling onto their heads. In seconds, all of them were completely soaked. Luis noticed Angel climbing onto the railing and grabbed him by the shoulder, "What the hell are you doing?!" He looked into his eyes to find them completely different than their usual color. Instead they resembled the galaxy and had stars for pupils. After hearing Luis mumbling after noticing his eyes, Anthony looked beyond the railing and found a beautiful woman staring at them, "Who... is that?" With his right hand, Angel punched Luis and broke away from his hold, "She's calling... me." Speaking slow and steady, the four friends tried holding him back but he suddenly climbed to the edge of the railing and then jumped without hesitation. Screaming at the top of his lungs constantly until his voice finally faded away. Everyone ran to the railing and looked down to find some type of hole inside the earth spinning rapidly. Looking closely, they could see Angel spinning around and around into the earth until he finally disappeared. "What??!" Gareth had been quiet for way too long. Just seeing his friend suddenly disappear brought back old depressing memories and he jumped in after him almost instantly. His voice was fading away but before he disappeared, he yelled, "BEST FRIEND CARD!" At the top of his lungs. Luis and Anthony looked at Carlos with a surprised look as he climbed to the top of the railing. "I hate being best friends. Peace," He gave a gentle peace sign as he jumped towards the hole quickly after his best friend called out after him.

Both Luis and Anthony quickly backed up from the railing, "Nope." left both of their mouths but before they had a chance to get away. The mysterious woman grabbed both of them and tossed them over the railing. She was incredibly strong and nothing could stop her. Yelling "BITCH," at her loudly didn't help as they flew towards this hole even faster. The feeling was incredible. Time around them had slowed down until it had completely frozen. It sucked them down slowly. Each of them were getting closer together by the second. Carlos finally grabbed a hold of Gareth and Angel. Holding him by his side, he looked at Angel, "This is all your fault." Hearing this shocked Angel, "No it's not. You see them titties? Bro... you would've jumped too." Luis and Anthony finally caught up to them, but as their reunion had just started. Their -vision was affected next. Seeing the galaxy at first but as the time went on, a bright white blinded them. Only filling them with fear and undying curiosity.

Their bodies shut down and placed them in a state of unconsciousness. Slowly each of their senses were activating once again. Especially their sense of smell. Carlos woke up extremely fast after sniffing something rotten that made his whole body jump, "What's that smell?!" The others followed along right away and sat up. Each looking around to find themselves surrounded by shiny, green grass that seemed to go on for miles, but if you looked behind the grass. Large buildings would come into view. By looking behind them, it was obvious to see that they were near something that smelled horrible. "Where are we?" He stood up and looked around. Anthony jumped up to his feet and checked himself to see if anything was stuck to him. Luckily, everyone seemed clean and looked the same. While scratching the side of his head, Gareth muttered a couple words while looking into the sky, "I think we're dead. We literally jumped off a railing. That's funny... I should be in heaven. None of you should be here." Together the group walked around to see if they could somehow figure out what happened, but as they circled around the giant pile of rocks. Something suddenly appeared before them. The entity that they saw before was standing tall and glared at them seriously.

Even if this moment was intense, Angel muttered under his breath a couple words that made this entity grow immensely angry, "I think it's coming from him." Anthony smacked Angel in the back of the head. Luis just laughed at the situation thinking that he was in heaven with a couple of his neighborhood idiots. "I can't believe the stone chose you." The entity was angry and frustrated but once they spoke, the five of them had no choice but to listen because of the unstoppable force moving them from the open field to the top of a cliff that danced over large spikes pointing upwards. Everyone gasped at the sudden change but it couldn't be helped. "Why are we here? What are you?!" Speaking low and nervous, Carlos jumped up to his feet and helped his friends up onto theirs. Chills went down their spines as the entity before them began to transform. It looked like a normal person but their skin was completely purple. Having no idea what it really was, it's entire body grew dramatically into a lizard-like animal.

"The rock chose you and I'll make sure that it's choice wasn't wrong. Get ready humans. You've never seen or faced a DRAGON before!" In seconds the entity became a giant purple dragon. The scales across their body were shining brightly under the sun and their purple flames ignited greatly above their head. But before they could admit this legend coming to life. It's purple scaly mouth opened widely, inhaling all the air around, and then with one exhale, a giant cloud of purple flames came racing towards them.

*Thank you for reading The Dark Phoenix. I hope you've enjoyed it this far and I would greatly appreciate if you share my book around with some of your closest friends. Anything helps. Thank you, and have a great day!*

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