Chapter Fourteen - Strength of the Chosen Ones

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Dusk arrived quickly as the moonlight grew stronger. The wind in the land was relentless. Pushing everyone to their limit as they tried to save their markets from being completely destroyed, but in the darkness, Kiara made her way to the outskirts of Inferium. Holding a duffel bag by her side and carrying a large bag that had metal clashing with each step. Stopping near the entrance of Inferium, she put on her hood, I hope this is worth it." Gently pulling her muscle shirt down, a faint glow could be seen near the left side of her chest and glancing at it momentarily, she let go and kept walking through the night.

Steadily climbing up the hill, Kiara arrived at the front door and dropped her bag to the floor. Knocking multiple times, she grabbed her bag and waited patiently. Hearing someone walking towards the door, she readied herself to see a familiar face. Gareth opened the door slowly, "Oh you're here. Come on in." Taking a step back, he opened the door wide enough for her to step in. With a kind smile, she strolled inside and noticed everyone wearing the same clothes. Training gear that was given to them by Xander and the Academy. Chucking softly, "Why are all of you wearing the same thing. You look like a couple of dorks." Kiara gently placed her bags at one of the doorways and started searching through it slowly.

Walking out to Kiara, Carlos tried to help her but she swatted his hand away, "My bad. Just trying to speed this up. How do we get this started?" Stepping away from her, he leaned against the wall and watched as she pulled out five small squares that were completely covered in frost. "Listen up. I'm not one to repeat myself. These cubes hold the weapons that I made for you. I frosted them so they could take a smaller size. They're not my best work. They're made out of regular steel so don't expect them to stay solid and perfect. As requested. Who is Luis?" Picking up one of the cubes, she looked around and saw Luis put up his hand slowly. Right after she saw his hand go up, she tossed the cube and it defrosted in mid-air. Taking the shape of a longsword that was almost as long as his body. A small smirk came across his face, "Perfect," Barely catching grasping a hold of the sword. He slowly stopped it from destroying the floor. Using both of his hands, he held it tightly and let it lean against his body. Moving onto the next two cubes, she glanced up, "You two wanted the Katanas didn't you?" Holding out the cubes towards Angel and Anthony. Neither of them said a word but they gave a gentle nod. Throwing up the cubes, their frost broke apart and transformed into Katanas quickly. Both looked the same as they caught handles. Admiring their weapons, they saw Kiara grab one of the cubes. "You must be Gareth. Here's your sword. Made it especially how Carlos described it." Throwing the cube into the air. It defrosted and took the shape of a knight's sword. Firmly grasping the handle before it struck the floor, Gareth smiled and gave a thumbs up while she tossed the last cube towards Carlos. It defrosted quickly and transformed into a sharp swallow. Grabbing the center of the double bladed sword, Carlos spun it around a couple times before planting it on the ground, "Not my kind of style but I did ask you to surprise me." Curious as ever, he smiled happily holding a weird weapon. Pulling out her bow from the bag, "Let's go to the back. There's going to be a lot of things you'll need to know and master before the Krono Tournament." Sighing loudly, Kiara pushed through the group and stepped towards the open backyard. "Wait! What are we learning now?! I thought you were just giving us weapons!" Standing alone, Angel looked at the group completely confused. Seconds of silence past by and Anthony face palmed at the sight of Angel being completely oblivious. Carlos, Gareth, and Luis just walked outside without saying a word. "You really need to listen more dude. We have been talking about this training all day." Shaking his head slowly, he gestured for Angel to follow as they stepped outside.

"This isn't going to be easy. Line up and hold your weapons close. I will be teaching you the way to control your powers in a significant way. It's a much easier way to explain how to get stronger and do much more than just summon your element. First, we'll see what Stage Wizard you all are." Placing her bow at her side, Kiara started at the beginning of the line. Standing in front of Angel. "What do you mean by Stage Wizard? We've never heard that title before." Stepping out of line, Carlos looked towards Kiara with a confused look. "Don't worry, I'll be explaining every step of the way but make sure you listen. Angel. Please summon your element." Glancing at Carlos and turning back to Angel, she waited patiently for him to begin. "Like this?" Opening his palms and facing them upwards, a strong blast of wind shot into the sky. It was so powerful that everyone could see the powerful air. "Great. Now everyone does exactly the same thing." Taking a step back. She watched Anthony use the earth below them to summon small boulders near his legs. Luis followed along by creating a small ball of metal in his hands. Electricity wrapped around Gareth's hands and Carlos ignited flames inside his palms. "Perfect. You're all Stage One Wizards. Every wizard has a stage level for their skill level. Each stage has a certain criteria to meet before being titled that stage. Moving onto Stage Two. Using the element. You must enhance its power by either enlarging it or able to toss the element. Like this." Demonstrating what they were meant to do, Kiara summoned a snowball in her palm. Concentrating with ease, she enlarged the snowball and tossed it quickly. Making a giant snowball within seconds. "Awesome! Like this?!" In a flash, Angel caught everyone off guard and launched a large wave of wind. Forcing everyone to launch into the air.

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