Chapter Six - Prophecy of the Warriors

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Pieces of the wall before them began to break and fall out. Boulders and small rocks began to fall from above but a wormhole covered the group and transported the rocks elsewhere. "Whew. That was close." Sweat dripped down the king's cheek as he gave out a sigh of relief. All the rocks fell into the wormhole, but the pain didn't fade away. It only became more immense and destructive. Once the wall was completely broken, it revealed a different room that was abnormally large. Taking a peek inside, the king noticed something move inside, but once it disappeared from his sight, the screams came clear. The earth was shaking violently but that didn't stop the king from pulling himself up using the wall nearby. Once he was standing, he focused on the wormhole and moved it steadily with one hand while he created another wormhole below the group. In seconds they fell into the wormhole and reappeared inside the giant room. Opening only one eye, Carlos grunted as he let go of Gareth's hand and grabbed the side of his face, "Something is pulling us. There's something else here!" The glow of his white eyes pierced through the darkness of the room, but in addition to it's unbelievable glow, it revealed five distinct symbols glowing from the floor. "What could there be? No one knows where the Cave of Creation is except me!" the king yelled loudly. With all his strength he jumped past the falling rocks and landed inside the room. Seeing the room itself was enthralling but the feeling of the room shaking beneath him compelled him back to reality. "Do you see that on the floor?! What is that?" Pointing towards the various symbols, he turned back and only saw confusion on the king's face.

"There's nothing there! You must be seeing things. Did you get hit by a rock?!" Looking towards the center of the room was a giant hole. Crawling towards one of its sides, the king could see nothing through it's gloomy shadows. "I can feel it... It needs us..." Carlos dragged Anthony to the hole slowly. "What're you doing? The hole is bottomless!" Stepping onto the edge of the circle, Carlos tossed Anthony into the pit, the king was speechless watching Anthony's body fall down the hole but was completely stunned to see floating pieces of rock carrying him back up to the surface. When it finally reached the top, the rocks connected themselves together as if they were always there. "No way." "I knew it. We all have to throw ourselves inside the pit. If we don't, the pain will continue." The king nodded as he grabbed Luis and dragged him into the circle, and within moments of him falling in, he came right back up just like Anthony. Connecting the rock below him to the bottomless circle. Gareth and Angel went in next, creating a hole between them all. "Guess I'm next." His voice was becoming low and soft as the pain grew greater, but as he stumbled through his friends, he fell into the hole and was lifted up once again by the rocks. Once the rocks connected themselves to the others, the pain scrambling inside of them stopped all at once.

"It's finally gone." Most of them sighed with relief but before they could enjoy not feeling pain, the five symbols appeared on the floor. "Is this what you saw before?" "Exactly what I saw before. Instead they're not glowing. Something weird is going on here." They all stepped back as the symbols were appearing below. "I've seen these markings before. They resemble the sacred elements that created this very world, but why are they here?" Standing before the markings, he couldn't help but take a step back because the powerful presence repelled him. "I think I know why..." White shines upon them all as Carlos's eyes flowed brighter than before. When he looked at all his friends, a sense of confidence shot through his veins, "There's something surrounding all of you. It's like an aura... but there are distinct colors separating you. Each of us are different. Anthony, you're being surrounded by a dark purple." "What does that have to do with anything?" Luis asked. "The markings are colored that very same way. Anthony, yours is the snake over there. Luis, you have the tiger over here. Yours is to the left of Anthony, Angel, the falcon. Lastly is the dragon, Gareth, that's yours. The center is covered in my color but it has no animal. It's just white." Confusing as it was, the guys stepped onto their spots and witnessed their markings beginning to glow brightly. It's light filled the room and left the king in awe. Walking slowly into the center, the last marking lit up and activated something below them. A golden line connected all the markings together slowly and surrounded each marking with a golden trim. "What's going on now?" Angel asked as the rock floor around the markings broke off and left the markings floating in air. "Well, this isn't... normal." Lifting off his foot from the marking, Gareth hovered his leg over the abyss below them. Glaring him from the side, Luis's brow lifted up slightly, "So, you're saying this is normal?"

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