Chapter Five - The Cave of Creation

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The glow of their eyes slowly faded away as they looked towards Austin and Nick, "What the hell happened to us?" Feeling the crease in his hands, Angel looked around in disorder. Anthony noticed the smile come across Nick's face. "What's so funny?" Dropping to one knee, Luis was completely dazed and couldn't see properly, "Hey! Are you okay there?!" Austin practically jumped forward and helped Luis up to his feet. "Yeah, I'm fine. My legs just gave out on me. Weak bitches." He gently slapped his thighs and saw Nick laugh. "That test really put you through hell didn't you? You all look so weak, but I guess you can call it normal. Once you complete the test, you experience certain effects on your body. You've just experienced some of them. Dizziness, sudden fainting, and vision loss. It's temporary though so I wouldn't worry. Just don't hurt yourself by walking too much. Knowing well you don't." Rolling his eyes, Nick walked outside and left them alone with Austin.

"That's it. I'm going to beat his ass." Planting his left foot, Luis tried standing but he felt almost instantly onto his knees again. "Just take it easy. I'll be taking you back home now." The golden wormhole began to open slowly, "Why can't I remember anything?" Gareth grabbed a hold of his head and felt a pounding migraine growing by the second. It was sudden and unexpected. Catching him before he fell, Carlos looked into Gareth's eyes and saw the navy blue glow from before but it flickered like a dying light while he screamed in agony. "Hey! Are you okay?! What's going on?!" In the hands of his best friend, Gareth's body twisted and turned "Grab him! We must go now!" Austin helped Luis up and gestured for everyone to jump through the portal. Carlos lifted Gareth up and he kept saying the same thing over and over again until his body finally gave up. They jumped through the portal to find a large room filled with beds and blankets. Placing two fingers on his wrist, Carlos tried to feel a pulse but there was no sign, "I don't think he has a pulse. Please help! I don't know what happened!" Angel and Anthony seemed fine but as they ran, the feeling of their bodies aching suddenly turned into excruciating pain. Forcing them into the floor in seconds while holding their heads. "They're falling. Nick! I need your help!" Still holding Luis up, Austin turned around to see if Nick was around but there was no chance since they used the wormhole to get away. "What's going on? Before he started freaking out, he said he couldn't remember anything. Is something happening to us? Actually... What did happen to us?" Almost instantly, pain surged through his head,

"Don't think about it. It won't help. Fight through it. Austin helped Angel up and carried them both to a bed. Right when they both laid back in the bed, Carlos groaned slightly and laid Gareth in a bed. After, he grabbed Anthony and helped him into his own bed. "You've got some explaining to do bro." Looking at Austin angrily, Carlos could only hear his friends groaning. "Wait! Wait! Don't look at me like that. This is some normal effects of the test. The only thing that has me confused is how you don't have any side effects. Just the small pains of trying to bring back the test." "That's what I don't get. I knew you weren't telling us everything. What was this test and why can't I remember it?" Before responding, Austin pressed a button on the wall. Wiping his eyes and sighing, "It's pretty weird to explain. This is the gist of his. Basically, this test challenges you in some type of way that forces you to be tested mentally, physically, and spiritually. Since you probably already know this. You can't remember anything. No one can remember the test and once you take the test, you can enter the Nodak Building. But here's one thing that we've noticed from the test. The clothing we gave you had three spots that represent the three tests. One on your head for the mental test, the one on your shoulder the physical test, and lastly is the one above your heart for the spiritual test. You and your friends passed the physical test. But you... passed the spiritual test. I don't know what happened to you but there's only one other person who has passed two while going through the test." "What does that mean? Who is this person? Are they still around?" "Sorry to break it to you but they're long gone. People say that they died on the field of battle. Hey, don't worry though. Let's just think about your guys here okay? The medical team should be here any minute. After helping them, we'll finally introduce you to Inferium properly. It shouldn't take long. We have many people go through the test constantly." A team of medical nurses came through the doors and attended towards the group. It was painful to watch as his friends were in so much pain.

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