Chapter Thirteen - The Shadow King

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"You guys have to get me out of here. I was sucked inside. Please help me!" Trying to keep the wormhole open, Angle used all of his newfound strength but was no match for its magic. Instead, he was pushed away and watched it close slowly. His only way home but that wasn't all. The sound of the door opening behind him sent chills down his spine. Fighting through his fear, he sent a power blast of air towards the warrior that stood before him, "Don't come near me!" Keeping his ground, Angel looked forward and opened his palms. His wind was so strong that you could actually see the power winds, but the warrior wasn't fazed. Standing there with no emotion, "That's all you've got? God you're weak." Taking a step forward, the warrior grabbed Angel by the throat and dragged him into his throne room while he struggled to breath, "That's a little too tight. Can you loosen the grip please?" Barely getting his words out, Angel couldn't get a foothold on the floor below him until they reached the center. Releasing him from his grasp, Angel fell face first and smacked himself against the floor. "Why have you come here?" Taking a seat in his shiny, black throne, the warrior's face was completely covered by the solid black mask. Not even his eyes were visible at first glance. "I didn't mean to. Chill. Don't kill me please." Silent chuckling echoed off the walls as the warrior leaned forward, "You are pathetic. Get up. I've got a special mission for you Angel." Standing up, the warrior walked towards Angel. The black jewel on his chest gave off a faint glow as he got closer and closer. It was connected to his cool but pressing slightly behind his jewel, the jewel popped off and landed in his hands. Slowly climbing up onto his feet, Angel was scared and shocked hearing his words, "How do you know my name?" The warrior stood before him with his jewel in hand, "That's not important. Now, listen. Listen clearly because if you mess up. I'll kill you right here, right now. I'm going to give you a chance to go back home. Are you ready?" Lowering himself to Angel's face, his eyes were finally revealed. The blood colored eyes stared into Angel's soul as he struggled to make a word or sound.

Lips shaking and legs trembling, Angel looked away from the warrior, "What do I have to do?" Silently mumbling to himself, he could only feel anguish as he was being controlled by the warrior. "Good. You're listening now. I need you to give this to Nick. He's been waiting for this and I think it's time he finally gets it." Extending out his hand, the warrior held out the black jewel right in front of Angel's face. "Is that it?" Hesitating at first, Angel grabbed the jewel and felt a sharp pain in his stomach as it came close to the jewel around his neck. "Of course that's not it. Can't you read the room idiot? Here's a tip. My crystal doesn't like your jewel. The longer you're holding it. The longer the pain will last. So I suggest that you do this quickly. It's already grabbing a hold of your soul." His words were serious but true as he pointed to Angel's mark on his forearm. Instead of the wings being black, parts of the wings began to catch a blood red coloring that seemed to slowly start taking over the whole mark. Acting like an infection on his arm. "Fine! I'll do it!" Dropping to his knees, Angel held the crystal in his right hand while grabbing a hold of his forearm with his left. "It's not like you had a choice anyway. Now get the hell out of here. Your face is making me sick. Just so you know, if you tell anyone what happened here. I'll personally make sure you'll never speak again." Sheer terror in Angel's eyes as the warrior took a step back and casted a fire portal above his head. In one quick flash, the portal transported Angel back to the group. Randomly appearing before them, they were all stunned to seem him in pain and groaning whilst on the floor. Making out only a few words, Gareth pointed towards the crystal in his hand, "What the hell... just happened?"

Before he could say anything, Angel felt pain near his forearm once again. It was stronger and it lasted longer than before. Looking at his mark, he realized that the blood red coloring already infected half. Instantly remembering what the warrior said. He picked himself up and ran to Nick's home. Leaving his friends behind with confused faces. Nearing the front door, he extended his arm and tried to knock but his pain was pulsing incredibly. Once again fighting through the pain, he was able to knock on the door multiple times but in the process. He fell to his knees while groaning softly. The group came from behind, trying to help him up but were surprised by how fast the door swung open by Austin. "What are you guys doing here?" Leaning on the door, he looked at Angel who was on the floor about to cry. "Take this shit. Give it to Nick!" Tossing the crystal into Austin's hands. Angel fell backwards and started panting heavily as if he ran a marathon. Barely catching the crystal, he looked at the group oddly before taking a step back inside, "Uhh. Thanks." Closing the door quickly, Austin locked it and stepped away. After his small episode, he sat up and looked at his friends who were giving him many different looks. "Don't even ask. I want some food and a nap." Pulling him up to his feet, Angel walked through his friends with sweat running down his face as he walked away. Leaving them clueless and ultimately confused.

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