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"Lia, you can go audition. Heck i'm sure you're more than qualified!" The moment we arrived at our dorm, Lia didn't stopped talking about how she wanted to audition on the same company Yeji and Chaeryeong are trainees.

"Don't over hype me Cel, it's just that, JYP is quite a big company" Her eyes momentarily closed as she was lying down her bed, eyes glued to the ceiling.

"It is, but you'll never know if you didn't try right?" I tried to convince her about auditioning, I knew that that she'll do her best and the chances of her being accepted is almost a hundred percent.

"C'mon Jisu, i'll be there with you," She is like a sister to me and I know that i'll always be beside her. "Like I always do" I beamed a smile as she removed her gaze from the ceiling to look my way.

"It's cheesy but you're the best Cel" She gave me a quick hug before switching off the lamp separating our beds, and dozed off to sleep.


"I feel like my insides are flipping" I told Yeji while clutching my stomach.

"Don't worry too much, this day is gonna be fun!" How optimistic this girl is, but it made sense almost every student seemed hella excited about the club, makes me wonder how this day differs from the one in my previous school.

"So have you decided on what club you're joining Seyoungie?" Actually I haven't thought about it, but my initial answer would be Dance since it's related to my strand and I wanna improve more on that aspect.

"Dance I guess, what about you have you decided wha-"

"Dance ofcourse! Plus I'm sure it'll be fun with you." This girl is such a sweet talker, I wonder if she gets extra sweet to Lia nowadays.

We were both on our way to the other building where the Dance club is currently located. Good thing we managed to register early because I wasn't even kidding when I say how overloaded this club is, the line was heck long.

After arriving at the building we went first to the nearest changing room to wear our PE uniform instead of our skirt and longsleeves buttoned down one. We started removing our clothes and put on the new uniform so we can move more comfortable just incase it is necessary for later.

Because of our speed as Yeji and I both hurried to get outside I accidentally bumped into someone I was quick to apologize, it is my fault, I wasn't looking on my way.

Her packed clothes and papers were all scattered on the floor, I was trying to pick up everything because of guilt and embarrassment.

"I'm so sorry, I was in a hurry, I'm not looking in my w-" She didn't even let me finish my sentence before she spoke.

"It's alright," That voice, I got chills from them. I didn't dare to look up, I knew who it is and I have no guts to even look at her. I just continued picking up her stuffs on the floor.

"I'm not wounded or anything, it's nothing." That was the first time she spoke in a whole sentence I mean, it's not like we talked properly, but damn.

As I was picking up the papers, I saw most of them had the same purpose. It was all excuse letters, signed by the principal itself, some were even for a whole damn week.

Who is she really.

"No, accept my apology, it's my carelessness in the first place" I spoke as a matter of fact and I'm not going anywhere until she accepts my apology.

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