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"That fight must be tiring.. I shall set up a fort for you to settle in," a with a hand on your chest, you bowed in front of the boy, ready to jump off to find the needed materials until a thought stopped you. "My Lord, if anything comes to attack you, just shout my name and I'll obliterate those fools into nothingness," a threatening glint shone from your eyes, though he knew that it wasn't directed at him. "Don't worry, Y/n. I'm quite capable enough of defending myself from demons, so please don't fret," a kind smile was on his face as he said those words. He noticed your, once again, usage of those words to address him, however, due to his tiredness, he couldn't find the strength to muster up a scolding.

"Very well then," and with that, you were gone in a flash. You were so fast that he didn't even see your silhouette as you sped away. The sun was already peeking, and it was only at this time he felt the effects of his fight with the gigantic demon awhile ago. He tried to keep his head blank, and hoping to get a nap before you come back, but as much as he tried to clear the thoughts inside his head, he couldn't. His eyes were closed, and just as he was about to open them, he nearly shrieked due to the surprise. You were able to mask your presence so well that his keen sense of smelling was unable to detect your presence.

"You must be very tired. I apologize for my late arrival. If you want, I'd be more than glad to receive any hittings you desire to give me," you helped the redhead to stand up, making sure that his already tired body didn't move as much. Once his eyes moved to your creation, his eyes widened. How were you able to make something such as this in a short amount of time?! 

"A servant who couldn't even make something like this isn't worth one's salt," and as though you heard his thoughts, you answered the queries he had inside his head. "Now now, while it is quite endearing to bask upon your drowsy state, you do need your rest so that your body would be able to recuperate." You guided him inside, setting him down on a futon before draping the blanket over him.

Wait- futon?!

"Y/n, how did you-" And before he was able to open his mouth once more, your index finger shut him up. "Shh, please do rest now. I would be very saddened if you didn't." And to accompany your words, a sad look was on your face, making Tanjiro submit to your order to sleep. "A-Alright!" And he was as stiff as a board as he closed his eyes. Though, the stiffness didn't last long for he was out like light immediately after letting his eyelids droop. 

Once sure that he was now catching up with his much-needed sleep, you finally went out of the fortress, ready to maim anyone who would try to inflict pain unto the one whom you're currently serving. 

After all, drastic measures shall be taken for his well being is of utmost importance.

"Do you think you can still continue to walk? It'll be my pleasure to provide you assistance," you offered him. Wisteria flowers were now in the field of sight for you two. "Y/n, I'm more than alright but.. those flowers, won't you be-" And once he glanced at you, his eyes taking upon the sight of your serene face, his words were immediately cut off. "It is known by everyone that these specific types of flowers harm demons.. But fortunately, these don't work on me unless ingested. You needn't be worried of me, sir," and his eyebrows furrowed at your usage of that term again. 

It came as a surprise to him that you both were now here already, the exchange of you two prolly distracted him enough for him to not notice that you two were now in the clear. As he looked around, he noticed how.. there weren't as many people as before. His mind unconsciously returned to the events of what happened from before, yet he wasn't able to continue mulling over it once he felt your hands rubbing his shoulders to provide some comfort. "I apologize for touching you unannounced, but please clear your minds off of those negative thoughts."

He managed to muster up a smile due to your words reaching his ears. Somehow, you were always able to make him feel better. He didn't know if it was because of you serving him or if it was because of you genuinely caring for him, but nevertheless, he still thanks you for your efforts to elicit a smile from his face.

Once you were sure his brain was delving into self-destructive mode, your eyes scanned around the whole place. There was three other people, of which you were quite familiar with due to seeing them before the selection. Your eyes landed on one blonde, one blonde who was so scared beyond belief. He was shaking, and tears welled up in his eyes, muttering about him not being able to survive. All of it was so enticing, oh how you rejoiced at the fact of someone conjuring up this much fear, well, it would be different if it were to happen to your master, though.

And you thought you got over your sadistic phase.

Two twins came into view, however, you already deemed them as insignificant. Thus, you didn't place your whole attention unto them, your ears functioning to hear only the most important words that might help Tanjiro in the long run. 

You noticed the crows nearing on each one of those who've passed. All of them Kasugai crows except for one. Your very own crow only decided to flap its wings, trying to keep its distance from you once it realized the menacing aura you emitted. Prolly cause of the crow that sat still on Tanjiro's head, though, it began to comically sweat once it realizes that your glare was directed on it. 

Damn crows.

Perhaps you zoned off for far too long, for before you knew it, an insignificant teen was about to land a hit on your master. Dashing towards them, you caught his wrists before he was able to hit Tanjiro. Your grip was too tight, that much was apparent, for his face held a look that only one would show if they were to be hurt so badly.

This just made you feel elated.

"I apologize for my inexcusable actions, my lord. I should've paid attention to my surroundings, for if I did, this twat wouldn't even be living to see another day," and with one more saueeze of your hand, you let him go, already satisfied with the pain you caused. "No need to apologize, Y/n. I already appreciate you for entering before he was able to do any more damage," and there he was again, all glowy with a halo in your eyes. He really was too kind for his own good.. What you're only worrying for is that this may be the cause of his downfall in the near future.

"So kind.. I didn't expect anything less from the one I serve."

"Are you all done now?" And butted in the voice of one of the twins. Soon after that, the picking of the ores commenced. Already explaining to Tanjiro that you didn't need to pick one, he set off on his merry way to pick the one that caught his eye the most. 

"Sire?" You called out amidst the silence. "What is it?" He asked as he looked at you with his head cocked to the side as you two walked (since he rejected the offer of you carrying him) side by side. "I didn't have the chance to say this awhile ago," and Tanjiro's curiosity was piqued. "Ma- I mean Tanjiro, congratulations on passing the selection. You did well."

Your words only consisted of a few words, yet it was enough to fill Tanjiro's heart. "Thank you very much, Y/n.. But please give credit to yourself as well."

"Oh, my ego's already too inflated so there's no need for that. What we must be discussing is that crow of yours. I do hope that that brat wouldn't stand in my place. I'm far more capable than-" Ah, you are now rambling, as so it seems. A pat on your head cut you off, the feeling given to you by the pat.. quite foreign. "Relax. You are irreplaceable and your position wouldn't be stolen by my Kasugai crow," and he finished that off with that signature beam of his. Placing a hand on top of your non-existent heart, you merely sighed.

"I feel that if you direct more of those smiles at me, my lord, I wouldn't be able to completely control myself." 

Ba-thump.  And there goes his poor little human heart.

And with that, the Final Selection came to an end.
an update at last! ;-; im just so depressed over chap 200

thanks joocchi for giving me the crow ideas!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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